Disney Details on Enhanced Cleaning Procedures

As a follow-up to the recent announcement about how Disney Resort hotels will have enhanced cleaning procedures upon reopening, we’re finally getting details on what that will entail.

Specifically, Disney will focus on 11 target areas:

  1. Door handles, pulls and knobs
  2. Light switches and controls
  3. Closet amenities (such as the in-room safe)
  4. Beverage area
  5. Bathroom fixtures and surfaces
  6. Bathroom amenities
  7. Thermostat and electric controls
  8. Bedding
  9. Electronic devices (including the germ magnet TV remote)
  10. Hard surfaces and flooring
  11. Cleaned and wrapped amenities

This enhanced cleaning will occur before you check in to your room. During your stay, you will get a light cleaning service (removal of trash/replenishment of towels).

Here’s an infographic from Disney showing their target area focus.

What are your thoughts on these new procedures? Let us know in the comments.

The post Disney Details on Enhanced Cleaning Procedures appeared first on TouringPlans.com Blog.