Travelers Entering Florida from CT, NY, or NJ Must Continue to Self-Quarantine for 14 Days

Executive Order 20-139 has been extended by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who declared that “all individuals entering the state of Florida from the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York) [must] isolate or quarantine for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into Florida or the duration of the individual’s presence in Florida, whichever is shorter.”

This Executive Order does not apply to individuals involved in commercial activity and students traveling for the purpose of academic work, internships, sports training, and any other activity or program approved by the educational institution.

All persons isolating or quarantining will be responsible for all costs associated with their isolation or quarantine. This includes transportation, lodging, food, medical care, and any other expenses to sustain the individual during their period of isolation or quarantine.

Roadside checkpoints are set up on interstates to check for potential COVID-19 cases coming into Florida from areas with substantial community spread of the virus. The checkpoints do not apply to commercial drivers or health workers.

Unfortunately, the Executive Order does not currently have an end date so it’s important to do your homework before traveling to Florida from the states mentioned above.

Source: Florida Health