CASE CLOSED! We Got a Closer Look at the No Way Jose Sundae at Beaches and Cream in Disney World! Here’s What We Discovered!

We’ve been experiencing a roller coaster of emotions at Beaches and Cream in Disney World today!

Beaches and Cream Menu

The No Way Jose sundae is a crowd-favorite dessert at Disney World. Loads of ice cream are topped with chocolate and peanut butter sauce and served to you in an EPIC dessert goblet. We recently received some photos of the sundae that made us look twice. The sundae was served in a gravy boat instead of a goblet and we were perplexed about the portion size. Was the No Way Jose getting a new look? Is it a smaller portion now? We headed over to Beach Club to take a closer look at the sundae. 

We ordered our dessert and it came to us in that glorious glass goblet! Constants are comforting, aren’t they?

No Way Jose…in a Goblet!

We asked the Server and she told us that the sundae is only served in a gravy boat if they run out of goblets. She also told us that the size of the sundae remains the same when served in the boat. It’s the same amount of ice cream and toppings!

No Way Jose

Phew! False alarm! The No Way Jose is still sold in the standard size and easily accessible from a giant glass goblet. It still tastes great too! We’ll continue to make our way back to Beaches and Cream to assess the dessert situations and give you the lowdown.

Want to see what else we discovered at Disney’s Beach Club Resort? Check out this watermelon cupcake!

Are you a fan of the No Way Jose? Let us know in the comments!