Do I Have to Wear a Mask When Taking a Photo in Disney World? Here’s What We Experienced Today.

Wow. We really spent the day back in Magic Kingdom. It’s crazy to think about!

Magic Kingdom

Of course, there is a LOT that’s different in a reopened Magic Kingdom and we took a good look around today at the Cast Member preview (thanks to an invite from some friends!). Even the way you take your picture with Cinderella Castle has changed! Yep, let’s take a look at everything different about snapping that iconic pic and pics in general!

Keep in mind that this is a Cast Member preview so everything is subject to change. We’ll be reporting in throughout the rest of the week so follow along with DFB for the most up-to-date information.

The Castle looks different.

First of all, you might have heard that the Castle looks preeeetty different. This iconic structure is getting totally glammed-up ahead of Disney World’s 50th Anniversary with new golden hues, royal blues, and a soft pink color!

Cinderella Castle

Keep in mind that the refurbishment on the Castle isn’t quite finished, so there were still cranes up with workers painting today. Depending on how much longer they’re working, this might be a factor when you’re taking your Castle pics.

Cinderella Castle

One thing is for sure — your Cinderella Castle pictures are going to look pretty different than they did before! Hopefully, your outfit doesn’t clash with that pretty pink!

Click here to see more pictures of the new Cinderella Castle look!

You’ll have to wear your mask.

Beyond that, you might have to wear your mask in pictures. After chatting with a PhotoPass Cast Member, we were informed that face coverings are required at all times in the Disney parks and that includes during your Castle photoshoot for the time being. Now, this may change as the parks reopen to guests but it’s definitely a possibility.

Magic Kingdom Mask

Just in case you do need to keep your mask on for a photo, wear a cute one and practice smiling with your eyes so you’re happy with your pic when you take it. You could even get one with a character’s smile on it or one of our AWESOME DFB face masks to help turn it into a totally Disney-rific accessory.

PhotoPass photographers have new protocols.

Finally, if you enlist a PhotoPass photographer to help you snag the perfect Castle pic, there are going to be some changes to the protocol. For one, photographers will no longer be able to handle your personal device, so if you want them to snap a pic for you you’re going to need to get it THROUGH the PhotoPass service. Or you can always as a friend/member of your group to take one for you.

Main Street

They’ll also keep their distance as much as possible during your interaction. They’ll still use your MagicBand or Card to link photos to your account, but they’ll do it as quickly and as distanced as possible.

Click here to learn more about the new PhotoPass protocols. 

So there you have it! Now you can keep these three changes in mind when you’re heading to Magic Kingdom to snap that perfect Cinderella Castle picture. Follow along with DFB for all of the latest reopening updates from IN the parks!

What do you think of Cinderella Castle’s new pink look? Tell us in the comments!