New York Has Updated Its Travel Advisory With a Potential HEFTY Fine For Travelers!

Depending on where you currently reside, several states have instituted travel advisories that could put your Disney World plans on hold.

Spaceship Earth

New York was one of the first places in America to enact one of these emergency orders which requires every traveler to self-quarantine upon entering (or re-entering) the state for two weeks after visiting a state with a high infection rate. And now, the New York Governor has just upped the stakes by implementing a new penalty for travelers who disobey his emergency order.

Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo has passed a new order that states any out-of-state travelers arriving in New York from states that have been previously identified as high-risk will incur a $2,000 fine if they fail to identify themselves upon entry. The news was relayed earlier today via Twitter.



Several states including Florida, Texas, and more recently California have been identified by New York health officials as being especially high-risk for travelers. Residents or visitors will need to complete a 14-day self-quarantine at their home, hotel, or another temporary lodging before going out amongst the general public to prevent the spread of infection.

We’ll continue to closely monitor this situation for further developments, but for now, you can learn more about the emergency order that Florida’s governor has just extended here.

Is international travel banned right now? Here’s the latest info you need to know.

Are you a New York resident? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.