Adding Disney Fun to Your Child’s School Year

It’s that time of year again – back to school. However, for some, this return to school is only virtual. Ever since COVID-19 turned our lives upside down as parents, some of us have had to add “Teacher” to our titles. So whether you are homeschooling, helping your child with virtual learning, or sending your kids in person, make it more fun by enhancing their curriculum with Disney magic. Consider these activities for each subject and adjust based on your child’s grade.

Math – Build a Budget

For us parents that pay for the Disney vacation, we know that there are a lot of expenses that go into our Disney vacation budget. Have your child look up prices of tickets, hotels, snacks, souvenirs, and extras – such as the Christmas or Halloween party – and work it into their set budget. It will be interesting to see what they prioritize and may even help them appreciate the costs of the vacation on your next trip.

Science – Disney Nature

This one is easily done for you. has educator’s guides on their Elephant and Dolphin Reef films. Go through the lesson and then stream the shows on Disney+

Social Studies – Stream Hamilton

This is obviously dependent on your children’s ages, but it is a good history lesson. Though it’s not 100% historically accurate, but you can go over what isn’t correct in a lesson after watching. 

English – Write a Disney Sequel

This is again geared toward the older kids, but for some creative writing, have your child pick a movie to write a synopsis of a sequel for. Who knows, maybe one day they will write the next Disney blockbuster hit. 

Reading – Disney Books

This is another easy one and good for all ages. Assign a Disney book to read. This can be a classic, a board book, or even a spin-off like the Villains Collection. Chances are they won’t be upset about this book assignment. For the kids who can’t read yet, look up Josh Gad on Twitter and follow along as he reads various children’s books. 

STEM – Disney Puzzles or Legos

Keeping the kids engaged in STEM activities is not only important, but many kids think it’s just playing. Grab their favorite Disney puzzle or Lego set, and get those brains working. Don’t have a Disney-specific set? Have them make a Disney castle out of regular Legos, Magnatiles, blocks, or whatever craft supplies you have instead. Depending on age, it can be as complicated as the ones at the Lego store to as simple as stacking blocks.

Home Economics – Disney Recipes

Have you been following Deni’s Saturday Snacks Series? Pick one of the recipes to make with your kids. This can double as your child’s snack or lunch as well. 

Art – Draw your favorite character

Have the masters become the teacher for this one. The Disney Parks Blog has a Disney cast member teach you how to draw some of your favorite Disney characters. Your child’s room may soon look like the wall in the lobby at Art of Animation.

Physical Education – Superhero Workouts

Create an Incredible workout. They can do sprints in the yard like Dash or stretch like Elastigirl. If this is too involved, just put on some Disney music and play freeze dance instead. 

Whether these are being added to your homeschool curriculum, or are just some additional lessons for when they get home from school, these are learning activities the kids are sure to enjoy.