Disneyland Resort Now Offering Shopping Reservations

The Disneyland Resort is giving guests a more convenient way to purchase featured products and other resort merchandise with its new shopping reservations program set to begin August 31st.

Inside the former ESPN Zone location at Downtown Disney, guests will be able to shop for a rotating selection of featured products without having to wait in line.

Reservations are available online or on the Disneyland App beginning today. A credit card is required to make a reservation and guests will be charged $10 if they fail to show. Only one guest is permitted per reservation and merchandise limits apply.

The first group of featured products are selection of 65th anniversary pins which will be available August 31st through September 2nd.

The most recent public use for the building was for Pop-Up Disney, an exhibition featuring backdrops that were perfect for photo ops. Pop-Up Disney closed last September.

Disneyland advises guests to check their website often for new featured products.

Source: Disneyland