MAC and Origins Have Officially Reopened in Disney Springs!

Can you believe Disney Springs has been reopened now for a few months!? Since the shopping and dining district first welcomed guests back on May 20, additional locations have reopened along the way.

Mac and Origins are BOTH open!

As of today, two more shops have opened. Just when we thought our wallets were safe, both MAC and Origins opened their doors to shoppers!

Our first stop was MAC Cosmetics! Currently, they are only allowing five guests in at a time, and the sampling of products, including makeup applications and testing, are currently unavailable. 

Welcome back to MAC!

While it may be tricky to pick out makeup products without being able to sample them, their staff are on-hand to answer any questions you may have.

MAC Cosmetics

We certainly had a successful shopping trip to MAC!

MAC Cosmetics

After MAC, we hopped into Origins to see what new measurements they had in place.


Those floor markers we’ve all come to know and love are present, keeping shoppers six feet apart. Hand sanitizer was also readily available throughout the store.


Much like MAC, certain parts of the shopping experience needed to be altered to fit current health and safety regulations. That meant that their handwashing sink was currently unavailable to use.


So, stop by MAC and Origins the next time you’re in Disney Springs and pamper yourself! Whether you’re shopping for skincare, makeup, or both, Disney Springs has got you covered.

We’re keeping up with another upcoming opening at Disney Springs that is sure to satisfy our sweet tooth!

Have you been to Disney Springs since their phased reopening began in May? Let us know in the comments!