News! The Baby Yoda Disney World Hotel MagicBand Mystery Has Been SOLVED!

On Saturday we implored our readers to help us solve the mystery of the missing Baby Yoda MagicBand!

©Disney “Find me, YOU MUST!”

We weren’t sure if Stitch had eaten the page, or WHAT had happened to him, but one thing was clear: the photo of the Baby Yoda MagicBand (which we’d never seen before!) had disappeared without a trace and we needed your help to see what it looked like!

Screenshot of Pre-Order MagicBands Available on Disney World’s Website

But guess what — one of our readers, Misty K., came to our rescue! She quickly realized the person who had added the image of the new Baby Yoda MagicBand to Disney’s website accidentally added an extra “0” in the number for the URL. Once she removed the superfluous “0,” she was able to see the image. She shared this info with us so we could see it too and here it IS: the new Baby Yoda MagicBand!


We love how this MagicBand shows Baby Yoda’s BIG adorable face smilin’ up at us! We also had some readers who were big enough Mando fans to pre-order the Baby Yoda MagicBand without seeing a photo of it first! They told us that they were able to see a thumbnail of the band after placing their order — mystery SOLVED, y’all! 

Slap bracelet MagicBands are BACK in Disney World and online! Click here to see what’s in STOCK!

Do you have a trip to Disney World coming up? Let us know if you’ll be selecting the new Baby Yoda MagicBand in the comments below!