A Few of My Favorite Coffee-Themed Disney Treats

When I woke up this morning, I discovered that today’s “national holiday” of choice was all about my most cherished beverage – COFFEE! It’s National Coffee Day and I thought we’d discuss some of my favorite ways to enjoy its deliciousness when I’m at Disney.

Now, let’s get something straight right from the get-go; I am not the one who needs a “holiday” to celebrate coffee. I revel in the delights of this glorious drink every morning of my life – most days before I even roll out of bed thanks to my hubby who delivers it bedside. Yes, I’m spoiled. I won’t even try to deny it.

My dilemma with coffee always comes to light when we’re planning a Disney vacation. We are not particularly fans of super-strong coffee, as it turns out. So, Starbucks drip coffee is not my jam and neither is the standard Joffrey’s cuppa joe that’s available in most table service restaurants. Our favorite happens to be the original blend from Dunkin’ which is a medium roast. It seems like whenever we have anything different, it just doesn’t work for us. We gave up kcups years ago trading that brewer in for Breville’s Grind Control Coffee Brewer because nothing is better than fresh coffee that’s made with beans that were just ground. Yum! Sometimes we even resort to schlepping it down with us just for that perfect first-morning cup to start off our day.

Anyway, there are a few other ways that we can get our coffee fix – via sweet treats – while we’re out and about visiting the theme parks and resorts throughout the day.

Last year when the Disney Skyliner station at Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort opened, we tried a Joffrey’s specialty drink that was being offered – the Toffee Flight Latte. It’s an espresso-based beverage with dark chocolate and sea salt caramel toffee that’s topped with toffee crumbles and whipped cream – it’s practically dessert! This drink was so delicious and back then, it was only available at that specific location. This luxurious beverage is now also available at the EPCOT Joffrey’s kiosks as well as the Joffrey’s location in The Landing at Disney Springs. Give it a try; you won’t regret it!

My next treat might surprise some of you as it has nothing to do with coffee as it’s listed on the menu. I’m talking about the No Way José at Beaches & Cream Soda Shop over at Disney’s Beach Club Resort. This sundae, when ordered as is, consists of chocolate and vanilla ice cream, peanut butter and chocolate morsels, with whipped cream, and a cherry on top. When I order this sundae, as you’ve probably guessed, I ask for coffee ice cream to be substituted for both the chocolate and vanilla. Oh. My. YUM! You might not think that peanut butter and coffee make a good combination, but OH BOY does it ever!

The last treat we’ll talk about today is actually my very favorite one of all three. It’s the Ocean Beach Sea Salt Caramel Sundae at Ghirardelli Soda Fountain & Chocolate Shop at Disney Springs. Off the menu, this sundae is made with vanilla ice cream, sea salt, caramel sauce, and handmade hot fudge then it’s topped with whipped cream, sea salt, and a Ghirardelli® SQUARES milk chocolate. As you’ve likely already guessed again, I ask for coffee ice cream instead of vanilla once again. When you combine coffee ice cream with sea salt caramel, magic happens. I have been known to skip dinner completely in order to indulge in this treat. Please don’t tell my mom.

In honor of this glorious day of coffee recognition, please share what your favorite coffee-inspired treats are in the comments section below!

Images: Disney©