Is Pecos Bill a Good Value Without Its Toppings Bar?

Quick-service dining at Magic Kingdom is still somewhat limited. With favorites like Casey’s Corner and Columbia Harbour House currently closed (not to mention “seasonal” closures like Tomorrowland Terrace), lunch options aren’t what they used to be. Recently, we paid a visit to Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe in Frontierland at Magic Kingdom to see if it is a better option than, say, Pinnochio Village Haus. Pecos Bill offers mobile ordering, and we were happy to take advantage of that.

One of the highlights of Pecos Bill was the toppings bar, a veritable cornucopia of meal enhancements. This was an option for families looking to split an entree or for people with hearty appetites to get some additional food for no additional cost. With that now on hiatus (#ThanksCOVID), some items come with their own miniature version with select ingredients. For example, we ordered the Beef Nachos and were given a variety of individually portioned toppings on the side.

Although that’s a decent amount of toppings, if you want more, it never hurts to ask. (We haven’t seen people turned down when asking for more.) Yes, it’s not the same as the toppings bar, but it is a sufficient solution to these different times.

Based on more than half a million survey data responses for dining in the past few years, Pecos Bill rates a 86% thumbs up rating and ranks at #45 in Walt Disney World, earning it a solid B rating. The portion size is medium-large, and the menu is Tex-Mex inspired cuisine.

Our beef nachos were exactly what you’d expect–chips, a generous portion of seasoned ground beef, and a large dollop of creamy queso. It’s a meal that could be split for a light eater or for a quick snack. At $11, the price doesn’t feel unreasonable for what you get.

Overall, with limited dining options at Magic Kingdom, Pecos Bill is one of your better choices–even without the toppings bar.

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