Priceline Express: November Dolphin Deals

More Dolphins ahoy! (I am officially bereft of Dolphin, Swan, and Swolphin puns and phrases. Somber posts may be ahead.)

If you recall, a few short weeks ago we reported on some nice weekend Priceline Express deals at the Dolphin in September and October. Well, there’s a new batch of deals out there now for the entire month of November starting at $115 per night. (Resort fee and unlimited churros not included.*)

The good news is these deals are not limited to weekends only – and the $115 rate covers a good portion of Sunday to Thursday nights throughout the month. Weekend nights are $130 until the 21st when they begin increasing as we head into Thanksgiving week. However, even those Thursday and Friday holiday rates are only $169. In my humble opinion, that is a steal compared to 2018 and 2019 where the hidden deal rates for that week were up around $250!

If you are planning to look for these deals and did not read my earlier Dolphin post, I suggest that you pop over there after perusing the calendar of deals below. In that post I outlined some techniques to make these deals appear in Priceline Express results.

*As far as I know, unlimited churros is not a thing. But it should be.

If you catch any of these deals or have any questions, please let us know in the comments!

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