Should You Wear a Poncho at Disney?

“You May Get Wet”

That sign can be seen on various Disney rides around the park. While Disney may not have many “wet” rides, they do have a few that can either get your drenched or just sprinkle you with a little water. Some people, when they brave the water rides, choose to wear a poncho while others go poncho-less. So, which is the right decision? Here are a few things to consider.

Is the Ride More Focused on the Drops or the Story?

Splash Mountain is known for its famous drop that looks over the Magic Kingdom and Kali River Rapids has it drops and waterfalls that are known to get people soaked. If you were to wear a poncho, these would probably be the two that I would suggest. These rides are more focused on their famous drops and spills. Rides like Pirates and Frozen Ever After have drops and have splash zones, but you are more focused on the stories around the ride rather than the drop, so you seem to get less wet.

What’s the Weather Like?

On a 90 degree Florida day, a nice quick soak might feel refreshing. With the heat, you also get dry faster. If you visit Orlando in the colder months and you ride a big splash ride at night, you might find yourself shivering just a bit. In these situations, ponchos might be more of a benefit. My sister wishes she wore a poncho on a colder day in Animal Kingdom where she got soaked on Kali River Rapids and then went to the Finding Nemo show (air conditioning galore). She got a cold after that situation. Splash and Kali in the colder months might be best to ride with a poncho.

What Are You Wearing?

I think this may go without saying for most, but if you are wearing all white, you may benefit from wearing a poncho. But also, if you have a temporary tattoo, or just got your hair and makeup done at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, you may want to protect your outfit/hair. If you are planning on taking nice pictures afterward, it may be a good decision to rock the poncho.

While some people may mock you for wearing a poncho, you may be the last person laughing as you protect your lap from getting completely soaked!