New Announcement Playing in the Disney Parks

On the heels of the new sign that appeared throughout Walt Disney World property over the weekend that clearly states that guests who do not comply with the face mask policy will be asked to leave, the in-park announcement has now been modified to reinforce the signage.

The new safety reminder announcement states:

Thank you for visiting us today. Just a few reminders: face coverings must fully cover your nose and mouth, and be worn at all times except when actively eating or drinking while stationary. Guests that do not comply will be asked to leave. Clean your hands often and thoroughly, cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and maintain physical distancing. Thank you.

The revised in-park announcement is currently playing every 10 minutes, reminding guests of the safety measures as well as Disney’s option to ask them to leave should they choose not to wear an approved mask (loops over the ears and no valves, mesh, or holes) while on property.