Animal Kingdom Attraction Vehicles and Seating: A Disney World Guide

The seating situation on Disney World rides and attractions is a cause for concern for many guests. Physical constraints and family configuration are two of many reasons why you might have issues with the attraction seating.

For example:

  • I’m a single parent with two small children, will I be separated from them on rides?
  • I’m a plus-sized person, can I fit into the ride vehicles without embarrassment?
  • My knees are bad, will I have to step up or down to get into the ride vehicles?
  • I’m in a wheelchair, do I have to transfer out of it to go on the rides?
  • I have a large party, how will we be split up when visiting the attractions?
  • I have balance issues, will the attraction vehicle be moving while I’m trying to board?

And now with COVID-19 precautions in the mix, there are more than the usual questions about ride vehicle procedures, though bear in mind that COVID-related procedures are a moving target and could change at any time. [Note: the row/vehicle capacity comments below are for non-COVID conditions. In many cases, attraction capacity is currently reduced. There are social distancing markers in all attraction queues.]

To answer these questions and more, here’s a photo guide to all the vehicle and attraction seating at Disney’s Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World. Pull down on that lap bar, we’re going for a ride…

Currently Operating Attractions

Affection Section at Conservation Station

  • Seating capacity per row/vehicle: NA. There is no ride vehicle.
  • Seating surface: There are few backless wire benches in the animal interaction area, but most guests will remain standing or walking during the experience.
  • Safety restraints: NA
  • Boarding procedure: Walk into the animal enclosure.
  • Accessibility: ECV users must transfer to a standard wheelchair.
  • COVID procedures: Attraction capacity is reduced to allow guests to maintain social distance. The handwashing station must be used before and after visiting with the animals.

(Photo taken prior to COVID-19 restrictions)

Animation Experience at Conservation Station

  • Seating capacity per row: About a dozen
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: NA. Show-style attraction.
  • Seating surface: Individual chair with back.
  • Safety restraints: None
  • Boarding procedure: Walk into theater.
  • Height requirement: None
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users may ride directly into the theater.
  • COVID procedures: Chairs are placed so that guests remain socially distant. Art materials are sanitized between uses.

Avatar Flight of Passage

  • Seating capacity per row: 1 (Each vehicle seats a single person)
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: 16 vehicles per room, in one straight row. The seats are about a foot apart.
  • Seating surface: Padded seat somewhat like a motorcycle.
  • Boarding procedure: Getting onto the vehicle is very much like mounting a bike or motorcycle. You have to swing one leg over the “bike” to ride.
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users must transfer to the standard ride vehicle. There is an attraction transfer device that can be used to help you get from a wheelchair to the ride vehicle.
  • Height requirement: 44″
  • Posted warnings: Standard motion sickness, pregnancy, and heart/back/neck warnings.
  • COVID procedures: Reduced attraction capacity. Seats are left vacant between parties.
  • Safety restraints: Once you’re on the “bike,” you have to scoot forward a bit. Then there are padded restraints that automatically deploy to hold your body in place. These touch your lower back and calves. The fit is snug, but not tight.
  • Note: The ride vehicles can be problematic for larger or taller guests who may not fit in the restraint system. There is a modified test vehicle outside the attraction that you can use to assess your comfort with boarding. Ask a cast member for assistance.


  • Seating capacity per row: 4
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: 12
  • Seating surface: Lightly padded chair
  • Safety restraints: Individual fabric lap belt for each guest.
  • Boarding procedure: Small step up (less than 12″) into ride vehicle.
  • Height requirement: 40″
  • Posted warnings: Standard motion sickness, pregnancy, and heart/back/neck warnings.
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users must transfer to the standard ride vehicle.
  • COVID procedures: Plexiglass partitions in use. Center row rarely used.

Expedition Everest

  • Seating capacity per row: 2
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: 4 or 6. Approximately 34 guests per train.
  • Seating surface: Hard chair with armrest.
  • Safety restraints: Individual lap bar for each guest.
  • Boarding procedure: Small step up (less than 12″) into ride vehicle.
  • Height requirement: 44″
  • Posted warnings: Standard motion sickness, pregnancy, and heart/back/neck warnings.
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users must transfer to the standard ride vehicle. There is a practice vehicle located near the single rider entrance (ask cast members for directions). Wheelchair and ECV users can assess their ability to board at the practice train. The last car on each train has a modified opening to give more room to guests with mobility issues.
  • COVID procedures: Rows left empty between parties.

Feathered Friends in Flight (formerly Flights of Wonder, formerly Up! a Great Bird Adventure)

  • Seating capacity per row: Several dozen
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: NA. Show-style attraction. More than 100 guests per show.
  • Seating surface: Backless wooden bench or backless metal bleacher.
  • Safety restraints: None
  • Boarding procedure: Walk into theater.
  • Height requirement: None
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users may ride directly into the theater.
  • COVID procedures: Attraction capacity is reduced. Rows and seats are blocked to keep guests socially distant.
  • Note: Seats at the rear of the theater are bleacher-style with no handrails. If you are unsteady, ask a cast member to seat you near the front of the theater.

Harambe Wildlife Express (Train to Conservation Station)

  • Seating capacity per row: More than a dozen
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: About 30 per train car, more than 100 per train
  • Seating surface: Bench with back
  • Safety restraints: None
  • Boarding procedure: For the first row, walk on flat surface into train. For the second row, moderate step (about 12″) into seating area.
  • Height requirement: None
  • Accessibility: There is a wheelchair capable car. Wheelchair and ECV users may remain seated and ride onto the train car.
  • COVID procedures: Reduced capacity. Rows and seats are blocked to keep guests socially distant.
  • Note: Personal strollers may be brought on board if folded.
  • Note 2: This train is the only way to access the attractions at Conservation Station.

It’s Tough to Be a Bug

  • Seating capacity per row: Several dozen
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: NA. Show-style attraction. More than 100 guests per show.
  • Seating surface: Hard bench seat with back.
  • Safety restraints: None
  • Boarding procedure: Walk into theater.
  • Height requirement: None
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users may ride directly into the theater.
  • COVID procedures: Attraction capacity is reduced. Rows and seats are blocked to keep guests socially distant. Plexiglass divider between parties.

Kali River Rapids

  • Seating capacity per row: Six sets of two seats.
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: 12
  • Seating surface: Plastic chair with armrest on one side.
  • Safety restraints: Fabric lap belt. One belt for every two guests to share.
  • Boarding procedure: Small step (less than 12″) from moving walkway to moving raft, then moderate step down (about 12″) into raft, then walk to seat. Ride exit is also on a moving walkway.
  • Height requirement: 38″
  • Posted warnings: Standard motion sickness, pregnancy, and heart/back/neck warnings.
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users must transfer to the ride on their own.
  • COVID procedures: Attraction capacity is reduced. One party per raft whenever possible. Parties are not loaded in adjacent seats.
  • Note: Most guests get wet, some guests get soaked. Consider ponchos for guests averse to water. Protect camera equipment and medical devices – free lockers are available to store items that should not get wet.

Kilimanjaro Safari

  • Seating capacity per row: 3-5 depending on size
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: Approximately 35
  • Seating surface: Lightly padded bench with back.
  • Safety restraints: None
  • Boarding procedure: Small step (less than 12″) up into vehicle.
  • Height requirement: None
  • Posted warnings: Standard motion sickness, pregnancy, and heart/back/neck warnings.
  • Accessibility: There is a wheelchair capable vehicle. ECV users must transfer to a standard wheelchair.
  • COVID procedures: One party per row. Clear plastic dividers between rows.
  • Note: Cast members will ask you to seat children at the center of the row for safety purposes. All guests have good views, but photographers will want to sit at the outside of their row.

Na’vi River Journey

  • Seating capacity per row: 2-3 guests depending on size
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: 4-6
  • Seating surface: Hard plastic bench with back.
  • Safety restraints: None
  • Boarding procedure: Moderate step (about 12″) over the boat wall then down a moderate step into boat.
  • Height requirement: None
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users must transfer to the ride on their own.
  • COVID procedures: One party per boat.

Currently Paused Attractions

The Boneyard

  • Seating capacity per row: NA
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: NA. Playground experience. More than 100 guests permitted entrance simultaneously.
  • Seating surface: There is very little seating here. There are few picnic tables where adults may sit, but these do not have sight lines on the entire play area.
  • Safety restraints: None
  • Boarding procedure: Walk into playground
  • Height requirement: None
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users may ride into the attraction. Much of the attraction is inaccessible to guests with mobility issues. The attraction includes stairs, slides, and rope climbing activities.
  • COVID procedures: NA
  • Note: It is extremely easy to temporarily lose sight of your child here. There are cavelike areas and child-size tunnels. However, there is only one exit to the attraction. If you have an elementary age child, you may feel comfortable “guarding” the exit and letting him roam. Parents of preschoolers will likely want to closely supervise their kids to avoid minor injury or separation anxiety. The dig area is separate from, and typically calmer than, the slide area. If you need some unstructured chill time, head to the dig site. During warm weather, a water feature will be activated. Children may get wet.

Festival of the Lion King

  • Seating capacity per row: Several dozen
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: NA. Show-style attraction. More than 100 guests per show.
  • Seating surface: Backless metal bench.
  • Safety restraints: None
  • Boarding procedure: Walk into theater.
  • Height requirement: None
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users may ride directly into the theater.
  • Note: This is bleacher-style seating with no handrails. If you are unsteady, ask a cast member to seat you near the front of the theater.
  • COVID procedures: NA

Finding Nemo, The Musical

  • Seating capacity per row: Several dozen
  • Seating capacity per vehicle: NA. Show-style attraction. More than 100 guests per show.
  • Seating surface: Wood bench with back.
  • Safety restraints: None
  • Boarding procedure: Walk into theater.
  • Height requirement: None
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair and ECV users may ride directly into the theater.
  • COVID procedures: NA

See our previous posts on Attraction Vehicles at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Attraction Vehicles at Magic Kingdom, and Attraction Vehicles at EPCOT.


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