Holiday Treats Are Fun and Tasty at YeSake

It may fly under the radar of many people, but YeSake may be a hidden secret at Disney Springs. Located in a small kiosk near the Orange Garage, Planet Hollywood, and the AMC Movie Theater, this location offers reasonably priced Japanese street food snacks and build-your-own poke bowls.

For the holidays, YeSake offers two special treats — one food and one drink.

First up, the food: a pizza bun. If you’re a fan of the cheeseburger pods over at Pandora, you’ll want to give this a try. A soft bao bun stuffed (but not overstuffed) with pizza sauce, sausage, and cheese, this is an easy way to get a delicious pizza snack on the go.

Next up, the holiday boba tea. This is a fairly typical chocolate milk tea, but the peppermint crunch adds a little extra spark. For those who are not familiar with milk tea with boba, but have had popping boba in other dishes, have no fear — the boba here are actually chewy tapioca pearls and have no flavor on their own.

Although these two on their own wouldn’t make a huge meal, they’re a great option for a quick snack as you wander around Disney Springs.

Have you tried YeSake before? Would these holiday specials tempt you? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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