How I Felt Comfortable Going to Disney During the Pandemic

“You’re going where?” The question that escaped many mouths as I informed some friends that I was going to Disney World with my 2-year-old and the rest of my family. Eventually I stopped telling people as I did not feel like answering the barrage of questions. But after returning from our trip, I realized that I felt very safe throughout our stay at WDW. I am someone who is concerned with the pandemic and takes extra precaution, so here are some of the things I did that made me feel more comfortable on my trip.

Avoid Crowded Times and Parks
Avoid Hollywood Studios first thing in the morning at all costs. Honestly, if you feel uncomfortable in large crowds during this time, avoid it all together. While Rise of the Resistance has changed its protocols on how to get a boarding pass, you still have a huge amount of people heading to Smugglers Run, Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway, and Slinky Dog Dash, among other big ticket attractions. We did choose to go to Hollywood Studios, but we went mid-morning and only hit up the stores and Lightning McQueen’s Racing Academy (my 2-year-old’s dream). Do some research prior to your trip and find out what parks have lower wait times and at what time of day. It really will make you feel better about not interacting with as many people.

To Ride or Not to Ride
This particular trip, we chose not to do many rides. I am confident that Disney does a spectacular job cleaning every hour, but if you are freaked out about surface germs, maybe the rides are not for you. We still had a great time walking around, seeing the cavalcades, and enjoying snacks (while stationary, of course). If you go to the parks often, it might not be a bad idea for germ-conscious individuals to avoid the rides.

Schedule Lots of Snacks or Mask Breaks
Disney’s mask policy is very strict, which I appreciate as we are all keeping each other safer. But if you are one of those people who struggle with mask wearing, it might be a good idea to schedule mask breaks. We had lots of meals and snacks for when we were in the parks to make sure no one felt too claustrophobic. Also, we took mid-afternoon breaks back at the hotel (which helped with nap time as well). It gave everyone the opportunity to relax and wash up before our next adventure.

Keep the Cleaning Supplies On Hand and Wash Often
Disney has bathrooms and hand sanitizing stations all over the park but if you do not feel fully comfortable, I suggest bringing your own wipes and sanitizers. We took plenty of breaks to wash up and make sure we were all clean, especially before and after touching rides, stores, railings, and any sort of meal.

While going to Disney in a pandemic is not everyone’s perfect scenario, it can be done and you can feel safe!