NEWS! Disney Executive Chairman Bob Iger States He Was “Seriously Considering” Running for President

Bob Iger is the former CEO and current Executive Chairman of The Walt Disney Company.


There have been numerous rumors whether Iger would run for Presidency in the last election. The former CEO planned to step down in 2021 but sped up the process earlier this year. Some believed Iger wanted an early retirement and others speculated that he may be running for office. Election Day has come and gone and it’s clear that Iger didn’t throw his hat into the ring. He has, however, admitted that he considered running for office.

According to an interview reported by Bloomberg, Bob Iger seriously contemplated running for president. He explained his considerations and thought process behind the decision. “You don’t consider running for president without being a true idealist,” Iger stated. “It takes a lot of idealism to generate the emotional energy and probably the physical energy, too, to do something like that, to even think that it’s possible. But at some point, realism sets in as well, and must set in.”

©New York Post

Iger went on to say his reasoning behind ultimately not running for the presidency. “I was seriously considering it but I’m not sure I would have gotten as far as actually running. I was starting to think more and more about how difficult the path might be in the Democratic Party for a businessman to actually get the nomination.”

Bob Iger Presenting a Model of Shanghai Disneyland ©Disney

Iger noted that he would be open to a role in the new government administration under President-Elect Joe Biden. He said he would consider the role seriously, “But a lot of it would depend on what it is, what the opportunity is, and whether I thought it would be something that I would both be stimulated by and be good at.”

©Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images

Iger is not listed for any nominations under Biden’s nominations at this time. As for the future, Iger stated that “I’ve not made any decisions about what I do next,” he said. “There’s a whole world out there, and I still have a lot of energy and a huge amount of curiosity.” 

Read more about Bob Iger’s reasoning for stepping down as CEO here!

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The post NEWS! Disney Executive Chairman Bob Iger States He Was “Seriously Considering” Running for President first appeared on the disney food blog.