Three More “Only on TouringPlans” Posts of 2020

The year 2020 certainly was an unusual one, and it’s easy to be overwhelmed with the negative. To help brighten your holidays, we’re running a series of articles of the best of what we saw for 2020.

Yes, the TouringPlans blog covers content that you’d expect to find on many Disney blogs (although with our own unique twists and data-centric focus), we’re also famous for posts that you just plain won’t find anywhere else–even beyond the truly unique content of the Saturday Six. We’ve already shared three “only on TouringPlans” posts of 2020, but we have just too much content to fit in one post. Here’s three MORE of our favorite posts that are unlike content you’ll find elsewhere on Disney blogs.

Testing Mask Efficacy

We knew when the Disney Parks reopened that masks would be a requirement, but which mask would be best? In true Mythbusters style, the TouringPlans staff rigged up gear to test a variety of masks. See the results of the study here.

Choosing an NBA Team Based on Hotel

When the NBA bubble came into play at Walt Disney World, suddenly there were many non-basketball fans who took an interest in basketball season. But if you’re not a fan, how do you choose which team to support? How about comparing each team and their record to a Disney resort?

Becoming a Disney Cyborg

And by far the most 2020 of our article series was when one of our bloggers decided to see if it would be possible to have an RFID chip implanted that would be able to substitute for a MagicBand. Long story short–it is possible. Read the progression of this experiment in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, if you dare.

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