7 TERRIBLE Things We Recommend in Disney World

Although Disney World might be the Most Magical Place on Earth, not everything is fantastic in the parks. Things go wrong on vacations, rides break down, and some meals are NOT what you expected.

Magic Kingdom

And, we’ve been around the block quite a few times when it comes to terrible things that we’ve seen in Disney World. Sometimes, you need to experience the good AND the bad of Dinsey World to fully appreciate everything.

So, buckle up, because we’re telling you some of our top “terrible” things in Disney World that you don’t want to miss out on during your next vacation!

Blue and Green Milk

Fans are pretty divided about the famous Blue and Green Milk in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. There’s ultra Instagrammable, super colorful, and taste…well…interesting. Blue Milk is a little more tropical flavored and the Green Milk has a citrus taste with hints of orange blossom. There’s a LOT going on in terms of flavor, and just looking at them you might think they’re super sweet and flavorful but…nah. The taste is rather muted and not too sweet.

Green and Blue Milk Coolers

The milks are actually non-dairy rice and coconut milk-based served soft frozen, almost like a slush. Your brain expects a creamy mouthfeel but the plant-based milks taste kind of watery if you’re not familiar with them. Our team is mixed on the milks. Some people LOVE these milks, but for some it’s a one-and-done type drink. One thing’s for certain — they look REAL pretty swirled together (but you’ll need to order both colors and ask for a separate cup!).

Milk Hack!

Plus, you can get it spiked if you want an extra kick before you head over to the Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run or Rise of the Resistance! Even though you might just feel slightly conflicted if you like the flavor or not, the iconic drinks make for an AWESOME photo-op in Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

Blue and Green Milk in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

It almost feels like a Star Wars fan’s rite of passage to try it at least one time.

Click here to see the boozy green and blue milk served in Disney World!

Early Mornings for Rise of the Resistance

Rise of the Resistance has undergone SO many changes since the parks re-opened, shifting from the days you’d have to wake up early (like, middle of the night early!) to wait outside Hollywood Studios to get a boarding group for the attraction to the 7AM morning Boarding Groups available outside of the parks.

Rise of the Resistance

The early mornings to get on this ride have actually gotten better over time, but they still require waking up earlier than you might like. Even though getting up at 6:45AM might not seem like “vacation,” it sure beats heading to the park at 4AM like we saw initially! Being able to snag the 7AM Boarding Groups from outside of the park means setting an alarm, getting those passes, then going back to bed (if you like!). But it IS still early.

Rise of the Resistance

If you come up empty in the morning boarding group drop, you can still try again at 1PM inside the park, but this reason to get up early is a welcome one and well worth setting the alarm in our opinion! The early bird gets the worm…er…the ability to join the Resistance?

Here’s everything you need to know about the new Rise of the Resistance Boarding Groups!

Outdoor EPCOT Festivals in the Rain

Most of EPCOT’s festivals are outdoors, so that means that heading to try all the food booths and walking around in World Showcase during the rain might sound miserable. BUT, we promise that it doesn’t have to be as bad as it sounds! If you bring a poncho and other rain gear with you, the lines are a lot shorter than they usually are since most people are heading inside to get out of the rain.

Epcot Food and Wine Festival

Rain is one of the fastest ways to clear out areas of Disney World! While guests scramble for shelter, you can get to work tasting your way around World Showcase! Booths will remain open during rainstorms, meaning if you come ready with a rain shower attack plan, you can confidently breeze on up to each booth, grab your food, and enjoy!

Lamb Chop at Food and Wine

Plus, the indoor attractions and restaurants tend to have longer queues while most people spend their time trying to duck out of the stormy weather. And, if you don’t mind being out in the rain for a little bit of time, it’s especially sweet to grab your favorite EPCOT festival food with a little to no wait at all.

Click here to learn more about the Festival of the Arts in EPCOT!

Giant Lollipops

Many of us might have fond (or not so fond) memories of our kids or even US as kids begging for a giant gift shop swirly lollipop. We totally get why you might walk right past these. You kids covered in colorful stickiness all day might not sound appealing. Since it’s one of those treats you just never seem to finish, you might have to shove it in a bag to keep it around with you, making another sticky mess.

Frozen Lollipop

But, we will say that those adorable lollipops can be worth it just to see your kids’ faces light up when they get to pick which treat to take home. IF you can manage to make this a souvenir lolly to bring home, that is! Otherwise, live in the moment — where else is a monster lollipop a purchase you’d be seriously considering? Pack some wipes to clean up the inevitable sticky mess and bring a resealable bag to slip over the candy they don’t finish. Those photos of your children all sticky with a sugary lollipop in their hands will last a lifetime!

Disney Lollipops

They’re great for photos and most gift shops sell them in a variety of sizes. We’ve gotten multipacks of small, almost “normal” lollipop-sized swirly pops before in many gift shops that our kids don’t seem so heartbroken if they don’t get to finish but still provide the satisfaction of eating a big lollipop.

You might want to skip these snacks the next time you’re in Disney World!

Paying for Cinderella’s Royal Table

There’s just something special about actually dining inside of Cinderella Castle. And, while Cinderella’s Royal Table is an experience in and of itself, so is that price tag on the meal. Guests are served three courses but the portions are on the smaller side for $62 per adult and $37 per child. Keep in mind these are the NEW prices since reopening. Before the Disney World closures, the price for adults was $75 which, after tax and gratuity, came out to a hefty $100 per person!

Cinderella’s Royal Table

Some of the other restaurants around Disney World (and even the Magic Kingdom!) are better options if you’re looking for a great meal at the fraction of the cost BUT…you won’t get that castle dining experience.

Cinderella’s Royal Table

However, Cinderella’s Royal Table is all about the experience with a gorgeous atmosphere, stained glass windows, and a visit from the Disney Princesses. While the restaurant usually has multiple Princesses walking around greeting guests at their tables, the new health and safety regulations in the parks have limited the meet-and-greets to just Cinderella periodically waving to everyone from a distance.


Although the price tag on the meal might not be worth it to some guests right now without all the Disney Princesses, Cinderella’s Royal Table is a must-see at least one time during a Disney World vacation!

CLick here to see our review of Cinderella’s Royal Table!

Mission: SPACE

We each have our own list of rides that we HAVE to go on when we’re in Disney World. But, Mission: SPACE has been a make or break ride for lots of people (us included) when it comes to motion sickness. Still, if you can stomach the attraction, Mission: SPACE is actually one of the coolest rides in EPCOT.

Mission: SPACE

NASA scientists helped build the ride, making it one of the closest experiences to actual space travel available to non-astronauts. The Orange Team kicks off at 2.5 Gs compared to the 3 Gs astronauts undergo at liftoff. So, basically you can brag to all your friends that you went through real-life astronaut training after you get off the ride!

Mission: SPACE

Guests looking for something a little less intense might find the Green Mission a better fit for those who get motion sick easily or have younger children. It’s the same experience as the Orange Mission, but without the intense G-force action. The “ride” portion on Green doesn’t spin like it does on Orange, making it much easier for many to handle. Keep in mind though, it’s VERY close quarters on the ride so if you’re averse to tight spaces maybe sit this one out. Still, if you can handle the Orange Mission at least once, it’s quite the adventure to say you accomplished in Disney World!

Take a sneak peek inside the Space 220 Restaurant coming to EPCOT!

Plastic Cheese

We could go on and on about how much we love Disney’s Plastic Cheese. When we say Plastic Cheese we mean that neon orangey-yellow processed “cheese” you might find on nachos at a stadium back home. It’s available at many locations around Disney World and we love it.

Dipping French Fry in Plastic Cheese!

But, we have to consider the flip side of the coin when it comes to our snacking habits in the park since it can be a hit or miss with some people. Honestly, we’re not sure if there’s any actual food or nutritional value in there (we kid, we kid!), but we recommend looking past its strangely plastic appearance to try the cheese dip at least once.

Plastic Cheese!

Obviously, Plastic Cheese might not be on par with some of the amazing beer cheese sauce that you can get at Disney World fast food spots and restaurants. However, it’s just so good when you pair it with a warm Mickey Pretzel or crispy fries. Our personal favorite is whenever we get to dunk Corn Dog Nuggets into a big ole’ cup of Plastic Cheese (😍).

One big cup of plastic cheese!

Yeah, it’s just processed cheese and yeah, you can get it at home, but it just tastes better at Disney World we think! Although there are PLENTY of must-eat items that we think need to be prioritized on your snack crawls around Disney World, Plastic Cheese is towards the top of our lists of the best Disney snacks (even if it doesn’t look like it).

Show your Plastic Cheese pride with this themed mask in our DFB Store!

You can take a look at even more “terrible” things that we recommend in Disney World by watching our video below!

2020 might be over with 2021 around the corner, and that means there’s a whole lot of new experiences that will be arriving in the parks soon! So, keep an eye out for all the latest on the food, entertainment, and more that’s a hit or miss in Disney World!

These are the 6 Disney World discounts you’ll want to keep on your radar for 2021!
