Changes to the Monorail May Make it Less Appealing to Some Guests

This week Disney added dividers to the monorail cabins which will allow for increased capacity. Not all of the monorails have these new dividers, but it would stand to reason that eventually all monorails will have them. The dividers allow for two parties to be on the same bench inside the monorail cabin. This change may make riding the monorail uncomfortable for some guests, which includes our field research team.

Monorail open for loading. (photo is pre COVID-19)

When waiting to board the monorail a Cast Member will assign you a numbered spot on which to wait. Once the monorail arrives and you head inside you will sit in the section with the corresponding number. Larger parties will be split into more than one section.

Monorail with New Additional Dividers – January 2021
Monorail with New Additional Dividers – January 2021

With average sized parties there can be up to four parties per door leading into the monorail cabin. There is a divider in the middle of each bench, as well as the top of the benches in the middle of the cabin.

Standing room is still not allowed, but with the new dividers the visibility is decreased. The cabins are still at a lower capacity than pre-COVID-19 times, but during peak monorail times there is a noticeable difference now compared to the past few months.

Monorail with New Additional Dividers – January 2021
Monorail with New Additional Dividers – January 2021 (departing Magic Kingdom)

Our field team, myself included, does not feel comfortable on the monorail with the increased capacity. The good news is, during non-peak times, essentially the middle of the day until park hopper hours kick in, the demand for the monorail is usually low enough that you’d most likely still at least have the bench to yourself.

Have you been on the monorail since the July 2020 reopening? What do you think of these changes?

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