REVIEW – Bullseye Cupcake at Saratoga Springs is Among the Best EVER

We try to keep it real with you, dear reader. If something is great, we tell you. If it is not so great, we tell you that too. We try to reserve posting about single cupcakes for when a seasonal flavor is offered or for ones that are worthy of attention. The Bullseye Cupcake at Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort is worthy of such attention.

Artist’s Palette Counter Service at Saratoga Springs

Every Disney resort has at least one specialty cupcake on the menu. During holidays there may be additional specialty cupcakes on the menu. The Bullseye Cupcake is on the menu year-round at The Artist’s Palette. It is a Chocolate Cupcake filled with Peanut Butter Mousse, topped with Chocolate and Peanut Butter Buttercream, with a Bullseye White Chocolate decoration on top.

Bullseye Cupcake at Saratoga Springs
Bullseye Cupcake at Saratoga Springs

So what makes this cupcake so great in our book? Well, first the cake itself is not dry. Our team has sampled plenty of chocolate cupcakes at Disney and sorry to say many of them have been dry. Thankfully that is not the case here. Plus the Peanut Butter Mousse is plentiful and truly fills the cake rather than just sitting at the surface like many of Disney’s cupcakes.

The Chocolate and Peanut Butter Buttercream frosting was thick and rich. We’re often disappointed by Disney’s frosting as it can be thin and sugary. The Bullseye Cupcake hits all the marks, and at the standard $5.99 price.

You can walk to Disney’s Saratoga Springs from Disney Springs. So even if you’re not staying there, if you have a craving for chocolate and peanut butter you may want to mobile order it and pop over.

What’s the best cupcake you’ve ever had at Walt Disney World?

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