A Closer Look at EPCOT’s New Leave a Legacy Tile Walls

The first wall of Leave a Legacy tiles appeared yesterday just outside of the entrance to EPCOT, and another wall was revealed across from it this morning! If you’re one of the many who had their picture featured as part of the Leave a Legacy program, you’ll be happy to know that you’ll once again be able to visit your tile.

The tiles have been compiled into panels which have been fitted together to form massive walls. One hundred and seventy-three panels of tiles have been revealed so far, and from what I can tell, more walls filled with tiles are coming to the opposite side of the park’s entrance as well.

If you’re looking for your Leave a Legacy tile, you can scan the QR code at the beginning of each of the walls, or you can go directly to epcottilefinder.com.

Once you’re on the website, you’ll be stepped through the process of finding your tile. Bring your tile’s panel number, row number, and column number the next time you visit EPCOT to locate your specific tile.

A word of warning: the walls are very tall. I’m just over 5’2, and I come up to right around row 56 on the panels. There are between 90 and 98 rows per panel, so if your panel is up high, you might have a hard time coming face-to-tile with it.

The walls that are currently available can be found to the east of the EPCOT entrance before you go through the turnstiles. Because they’re brightly-colored, you’ll be able to see them from afar.

Their rainbow color palette is one of the the things that I like most about the walls. They match the new, joyful colors of the nearby vacation planning/ticket booths, as well as the signage found in Future World. This level of intentionality is fun to discover.

Do you have a picture on the Leave a Legacy walls that you’ll be hunting down the next time that you visit EPCOT?