A Review of Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe’s Newest Treat: Kransekake

For years, I passed right by the snack choices in EPCOT‘s Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe. I’m not 100% sure exactly why, but maybe it’s that the treats in Kringla’s glass cases aren’t covered in over-the-top icing in a variety of fluorescent shades like so many other treats on Disney property are or perhaps it’s just that I wasn’t familiar with the snacks that were being offered. That stops now.

Back in December, I wrote about trying the iconic School Bread for the first time. If you’d like to read my review of the School Bread, click here to check it out.

Earlier this week, I made stop at the Norway pavilion and tried the latest treat to arrive at the counter service location: Kransekake. In Norwegian, “kranse” means wreath, and “kake” means cake. When you purchase Kransekake at the bakery, you’ll get two large cookies for $3.49, which is a good deal in my book.

The Kransekake, which is a baked good traditionally consumed during a Norwegian New Year’s celebration, completely surprised me. This snack is simply delightful.

The interior of the Kransekake has a softer, cake-like texture, while the exterior is chewy. The cookies are covered in slivered almonds, and, if the light and warm flavor of almonds is a favorite of yours, you’re going to want to add this to your must-eat list.

As I mentioned earlier, the cookies are large, which makes them perfect for sharing. Or perfect for eating all by yourself with a nice cup of tea.

A word of warning: the Kransekake cookies are covered in finely milled confectioners’ sugar. And, when you’re done eating the cookies, you’ll be covered in it, too. I had confectioners’ sugar everywhere. But I considered it a small price to pay for such a yummy treat.

While Kringla normally offers sandwiches and salads, at this time, they’re focusing their efforts on snacks. There are sweets and savories of all sorts currently the menu, and it looks like there’s a little something for everyone.

Is a stop at Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe a regular part of your EPCOT day? What other offerings should I try? If you have suggestions, please let me know below. I’m always wanting to add something wonderful to my must-eat list!