Changes to Social Distancing at Test Track

Disney attractions have a balancing act — on the one hand, there’s the need to maintain appropriate social distancing in accordance with current health and safety guidelines. On the other hand, capacity levels need to be increased as people begin pushing towards the current theme park capacity levels. Recently, we have seen changes to loading procedures and queues for the Millennium Falcon and Pirates of the Caribbean. This week, we also saw minor adjustments to Test Track.

Previously, Test Track vehicles had been set to accommodate one party per vehicle. For a party of 6, you would fill in every seat in the vehicle, and for a party of 1, you’d get your own private car. Now, in an effort to increase capacity, one party may be seated in the front row and a different party in the back row. This significantly increases the operating capacity of the ride, and hopefully will lead to shorter lines.

At present, single riders still get a row to themselves, but it is possible that as capacity increases, single riders may end up two to a row, with an empty space left between.  Parties of two seated in the same row may opt to sit next to each other or leave a space in between them.

What are your thoughts about these changes? Let us know in the comments.

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