The Ultimate Guide to the BEST and WORST Seats On EVERY EPCOT Ride

EPCOT is home to thrill rides, adventures through Arendelle, and a journey around the world. Every attraction seat offers a good view or a thrilling ride. However, not every seat is created equal!

Test Track

Some people like to experience the thrill of riding in the back row of a roller coaster. Others want to see the whole picture by sitting in the front! You want to make sure you’re having the best experience when riding an attraction for the first time or the hundredth time. We’ve put together an ultimate guide to the BEST seats on each ride in EPCOT!

Future World

Journey into Imagination with Figment

Each ride vehicle on Journey into Imagination features two rows. The right and left side both have an equal opportunity in seeing the main attractions in each scene. However, the front row will have a better view when you first enter a scene.

Journey into Imagination with Figment

We suggest putting small kiddos in the front so they don’t have to peek around a tall person’s head to see the action.

Living with the Land

This slow-moving ride can seat several rows of people per boat. Every guest will get a chance to see most of the scenes while the boat is traveling through each section. That said, the front row will get to see the plants, films, and scenes first without looking through several rows of people. Sit towards the outside of the boat if you want to see things up-close!

Living with the Land Boats with Plastic Barriers

Really the only time which side of the boat you get matters is if you have a particular plant in mind you’d like to see. The righthand side of the boat also gets a slightly better view of the laboratories as you pass them. Currently, the boats have plastic windows installed to create a barrier between travel groups. It can be difficult to see through the plastic so we suggest sitting as far towards the front as possible.

Mission: SPACE

This is a rocket simulator ride that imitates the feeling of lifting off into space. Each seat faces an individual screen so every passenger gets the same “view” of space. The experiences are fairly similar no matter what seat you’re placed in. The difference is that each person is given a role like a navigator, pilot, commander, or engineer. You can choose which role you prefer before sitting in the vehicle.  (Spoiler, but each positions gets to do about the same amount of button pushing!)

Mission: SPACE

P.S. There are two versions of the Mission: SPACE. The Orange Team experience is much more intense and you’ll experience G-forces up to 2.5G. The Green Team version doesn’t use spinning effects so it’s a lot easier to handle if you’re prone to motion sickness. The “missions” are different depending on which side you choose. This decision will determine the best experience for you!

Spaceship Earth

Spaceship Earth is one of those rides where every seat is a decent seat. Similar to Figment, the cars hold four guests in two rows, but the viewing experience s largely the same. The attraction offers scenes on both the right and left sides throughout the ride and the conveyer belt of cars will direct you towards the action. There aren’t any front or back rows so no one is obstructing your view either. That said, some iconic scenes will be located on different sides. If you really want a picture of the Steve Wozniak animatronic, then sit on the left side! Eying that fab lab tech with the yellow tights? Sit on the right.

Spaceship Earth Ride Vehicle

One thing to note is that the front seat is smaller than the back seat. So, if you’re sitting two adults together, you might be more comfortable in the back row.

Soarin’ Around the World

Soarin’ consists of three large rows of seating. When you’re “in-flight” the three rows rise up to the screen and are sort of stacked on top of each other. Row number 1 ends up being the top row and gives the best view possible. Your view isn’t obstructed by dangling feet from the other guests and you get a great view of the screen. Plus you get the most “thrill” of the whoosh up at the beginning.

Soarin’ Seating

Row number 3 is the bottom row and closest to the ground. It’s a good choice for guests who are wary of heights. Also, feel free to request Concourse B as opposed to A or C. This will seat you towards the middle of the screen instead of the sides. The side seating wasn’t too much of an issue with the OLD Soarin’ — Soarin’ Over California, but in the new show, the warp of the screen is much more noticeable on the sides. You’ll notice this most in the scene flying over the Eiffel Tower — on the sides, the tower appears wonky and bent! You can tell a Cast Member your row preference when it’s time to assign rows. You may have to wait for the next flight, but they will most likely accommodate your preference.

Test Track

This is the only thrill ride in EPCOT (for now!) so you might want to make the most of it! Each car holds six guests over two rows. The exterior seats will offer a good view when you race outside for your test run but truthfully all the seats are what and what here!

Test Track

Those who are into thrill rides (or want a good view and their hair tossed around) might want to sit in the front row. You can also place timid passengers towards the middle of the row so they feel a little more protected.

Turtle Talk with Crush

Turtle Talk with Crush is an interactive show where Crush jokes with kids and their families in real-time. As of right now, the show is temporarily suspended. When the show is playing, we advise having your little ones sit up front on the carpeted area. This will give them a better chance to talk to Crush and get a closer look at him.

Turtle Talk with Crush

We get that audience participation isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. You might just want to watch the show and give Crush’s comedy routine a try. For shy little ones (and adults!), we might suggest sitting towards the middle or back. 

The Seas with Nemo and Friends

On this ride, guests board a “clam-mobile” that sits up to three people. The ride vehicle is an omnimover, which you may recognize from rides like The Haunted Mansion. Basically, an omnimover can turn left or right throughout the ride.

The Seas with Nemo & Friends

Much like Spaceship Earth, whether you sit on the left and right side, the experience is practically the same. The ride vehicles are designed so everyone gets a good view!

World Showcase

Frozen Ever After

The ride based on Frozen is usually the most popular ride at EPCOT and experiences the longest wait times. This a boat ride and set up like Pirates of the Caribbean except the boats are notably smaller (they recycled the old Viking ships from Maelstrom that used to live in the same spot). You’ll calmly float through each scene that tells the story of the movie. The best views are offered at the very front row where you don’t have to strain your neck over other guests. This is especially true if you want a good view of the highlight of the ride — Elsa singing “Let It Go.”

Frozen Ever After Boats with Plexiglass

Another consideration is if you’re looking to nab the on-ride photo. Back rows are often completely blocked by the guests in front (when boats are fully loaded). We highly suggest the front row especially now that plexiglass has been installed between rows. The plastic is already difficult to see through and sometimes drops of water obscure your view.

Check out this goof on Frozen Ever After here!

Gran Fiesta Tour Starring The Three Caballeros

Again, this is a boat ride with multiple rows. Here, the boats ARE much more similar in side to Pirates of the Caribbean or “it’s a small world.” Plexiglass hasn’t been installed between rows on this attraction yet. However, the front row remains the best row on The Three Caballeros. You get a great view of the Aztec mountain when you float through the Mexico Pavilion and clearly see more scenes!

Gran Fiesta Tour

Want a good view of Donald and the gang on stage? Sit on the left (though they’ve been replaced by cutouts recently!). We also think the back row can be cozy and relaxing. You can sit back and relax while you pass by the fiesta. Be sure to look UP near the end too — the fireworks are one of the coolest parts of this ride!

Check out the latest change to the Three Caballeros here!

The American Adventure

The American Adventure is housed on an enormous stage in a large theatre in the American Adventure Pavilion. The show uses giant projection screens and animatronics to tell the story. We suggest sitting in the middle rows so you can see every element at once. But not too far away! You want to be able to see the animatronics clearly.

The American Adventure

Those who love animatronics might want to sit up front! There are a lot of famous figures in this show and it’s fun to see the detailing.

Movie Theatre Seating

There are three attractions in EPCOT that use standard movie theatre seating. The “best” seat will depend on your preferences when you go see a show. You might love to be in front to get close to the action. Or, sit towards the back so you can see the whole screen.

These are the attractions that use movie theatre seating:

  • Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival 
  • Beauty and the Beast Sing-Along 
  • Impressions de France
  • Awesome Planet

Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival

We do suggest sitting in the middle rows for shows with 3D effects. Sitting too close makes it hard to see the effects and might make you go cross-eyed. The Pixar Short Film Festival uses 3D elements so keep that in mind!

Circle-Vision 360 Shows

Circle-Vision 360 is a filming technique that Disney used for two attractions in EPCOT. The locations are filmed on all sides so the movie can be projected in a giant circle around the audience and everyone can get a great view in the round. Most of the action is happening towards the front wall but you’ll notice some scenes take place behind you. Stand towards the center of the room so you can at least see the front half of the room. Then, you can easily rotate towards the back as needed!

There are two Circle-Vision shows at EPCOT:

  • Canada Far and Wide
  • Reflections of China (Note this is still set to be replaced with Wondrous China at some point in the future).

Canada Far and Wide Screens

Generally, Disney does their best to make every seat a good seat. Some seats are better than others, but this is mainly up to your preferences! When in doubt, sit towards the back for thrill rides because it can be much more exciting. Boat rides are best in the front row and on the outside seats. And, sit towards the middle of the theatre for 3D shows! (but again — if that’s the sort of experience you’re after!) Remember, you can tell a Cast Member your seating preferences when it’s time to board. You may have to wait for the next vehicle, but they will most likely be able to accommodate your request! Happy riding!

Check out our ultimate guide to the best and worst seats on every ride at the Magic Kingdom!
