Why We Love Walt Disney World

Sometimes we lose sight of the things we love when they’re right in front of us. Sometimes we feel we have to justify our love of Disney to others and feel we must defend ourselves as to why we love our parks. We shouldn’t.

We love Walt Disney World. We love our DIS Unplugged community. We love Give Kids the World. We love all things Disney. Let’s be simple, basic.

Here are my top five reasons why I love Walt Disney World….


Simple: I have fun. That’s as basic as it can get. I ride attractions, I walk around in beautiful sunshine, I shop, I explore new things. I have fun eating there, and staying on property is amazing (swimming, sleeping in a beautiful resort). It’s a good time. There is nowhere I have more fun than at Walt Disney World on vacation.

Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash


I love nostalgia. Remembering the past and applying it to the new things in the parks creates beautiful new memories while preserving the old ones. Recreating new pictures based upon old ones from when you were younger or returning to favorite attractions you enjoyed as a child is a wonderful feeling. Walt Disney World has a lot of nostalgia for turning 50! And since I am turning 50 this year as well, I seem to feel that nostalgia more strongly.

Photo by Nicola Fioravanti on Unsplash


I love being with loved ones at Walt Disney World because it makes my family stronger as we share experiences in the parks. The dynamics change; mother/daughter shopping time, my husband and I wander and meander slowly, my boys run around wild, the group gathers together to eat and talk about what they loved about their day. I love how Walt Disney World brings people together with even an extended family of multiple generations sharing a common bond.


Hobbies are wonderful; they are a great distraction from your work world and define and identify what your passion is. I love Walt Disney World as my hobby. The Disney World parks are my home parks, but I also bring the parks home. I spend time puzzle crafting Disney-themed puzzles, I listen to Disney music, I shop online for Disney merchandise, I plan for my next trip and I enjoy the DIS Unplugged podcasts and YouTube channel, as well as the informational resources available through the community.  It has become my hobby that I love.

Image by AnnaD15n3y from Pixabay


I love how Walt Disney World is safe, secure and I trust it. It’s a relationship. While cliché, the Disney bubble we always talk about is something I love. I feel happy when I am calm and relaxed, knowing I am in good hands. If I need help in the parks, someone can help me. If I need information in the resorts, a cast member is there to assist. If I need a guide, technology will help me figure it out. I love that I can take comfort in the fact that their customer service is high quality and I get what I pay for.

What are the reasons that you love Walt Disney World? Comment below!

Love you all, Happy Valentine’s Day!