Bangers Poutine is a Fun Take on Traditional Poutine Flavors

Disney can have some interesting interpretations on “poutine” (we’re looking at you Lobster Poutine!). But sometimes they come up with a fun take that has classic flavors.

At The Daily Poutine at Disney Springs, the seasonal poutine is Bangers Poutine. This dish comes with pork bangers sausage, fries, stout gravy, and cheddar with an onion marmalade. A hearty serving is $9.99.

Overall, this has the flavors you’d expect from “regular” poutine with one disappointing feature. The stout gravy was hearty, the fries were crisp and fresh. The sausage added a bit of substance to the dish, which was a welcome addition. The only thing that was a little odd is that instead of cheese curds, it was shredded cheddar that was used. I’m not sure who thought of that idea, but cheese curds, please! (Also, we weren’t able to detect the onion marmalade that was supposed to be on it, and wonder if they forgot to put it on . . . ).

This dish will be going away soon, so if it has appeal for you, make a trip to Disney Springs right away. But once it is gone, have no fear because there’s still plenty of other savory options to try.

The Daily Poutine has an 83% thumbs up rating, putting it at 69 out of 107 comparable locations at Walt Disney World.

Would this be a flavor combination you’d like to try, or do you prefer one of the other options? Let us know what you think in the comments.


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