Electronic People Counters Added to Select Walt Disney World Merchandise Locations

Last week we noticed some changes in COVID-19 precautions at select merchandise locations. We’ve now learned that some of the busier merchandise locations at Walt Disney World have electronic counters that can keep track of people coming and going out of the store. Here’s what we’ve seen so far.

Electronic Capacity Counters at Main Street Emporium
Electronic Capacity Counters at Main Street Emporium

At Main Street Emporium we spotted these small electronic counters. You can see them at the doorways all around this massive shop. Just look overhead and you’ll see two small circles above each doorway.

Electronic Capacity Counters at Main Street Emporium
Electronic Capacity Counters at Main Street Emporium

We’ve observed that the doors to Emporium will be kept open until the store reaches capacity. At which case the doors are closed until capacity is reduced.

This new method seems like a nice efficient way to keep track of capacity. The only issue we’re seeing is without Cast Members outside of the store’s entrances there are guests exiting and entering the same doorway. Prior to these changes the designated entrances and exits were pretty well maintained. But generally speaking Disney’s physical distancing practices are very strong and mask compliance continues to be strong as well.

What do you think of these new changes? Let us know in the comments! 

The post Electronic People Counters Added to Select Walt Disney World Merchandise Locations appeared first on TouringPlans.com Blog.