Half Note Float Is Music to Our Ears

Some food and drink at EPCOT are elegant offerings with quality ingredients and beautiful presentation. But just because something isn’t the height of haute cuisine doesn’t mean you have to skip it. Sometimes simple is wonderful. At Fife and Drum, the permanent outdoor kiosk at The American Adventure pavilion in EPCOT, you can find turkey legs, popcorn, and more, but recently we had to try the Half Note Float, and it was music to our ears.

A version of this tasty treat is available at other times of year under different names (such as the American Dream), but to celebrate the Soul of Jazz exhibit, it has been given a new name, the Half Note Float and a new flavor is added. This drink is childlike joy in a cup. The “normal” version is a combination of Fanta Strawberry and Fanta Blue Raspberry slush with vanilla ice cream. The new version also adds in Minute Maid Lemonade slush to the mix. Remember as a kid going to 7-11 and blending all the Slurpee flavors together in one monster drink? It’s like that — only this tastes GOOD, with the right combination of tart, sweet, and creamy. The drink is then topped off with a decorated piece of white chocolate. At $6.25 it is a good value that is sure to cool you off and give you a pretty potent sugar rush!

Does this snack hit all the right notes for you? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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