Hold Your Horses for the Round ‘Em Up Latte

When it comes to theme park touring, a combination of sugar and caffeine can be a winning pair. Recently, we discovered the Round ‘Em Up Latte at the Joffrey’s Kiosk just outside of Toy Story Land.

Described as a “Playfully delicious latte with cookie butter and dulce de leech, topped with whipped cream, sprinkles, and animal crackers”, this drink can be served hot or iced. Because Florida is starting to creep into warmer temperatures, our field team got this one iced.

As someone who has come to enjoy coffee later in life, I prefer my coffee drinks to be mostly creamy and sugary, with a bit of coffee kick thrown in. If you are a coffee purist, you’re going to find this drink far too sweet. It is dessert in a cup — you have been warned!

One tip is to get this drink without the whipped cream, sprinkles, and animal cracker. It’s still going to be incredibly sweet with the cookie butter and dulce de leech flavors, but anything you can do to reduce the sweet on this drink may be a good idea. (Plus, I’m not a fan of adding animal crackers on a drink where they’d either be mushy to eat or they’d crumble apart into the drink if you let them sit too long.) Still, it is a fun drink, and if you have young coffee fans, they may enjoy the whimsy of this drink.

What are your thoughts on the Round ‘Em Up Latte? Sound good or sound like sugar shock in a cup?

The post Hold Your Horses for the Round ‘Em Up Latte appeared first on TouringPlans.com Blog.