NEW: State of California Releases Updated Theme Park Reopening Guidelines

Recently, Disneyland Resort announced that it would reopen its theme parks at the end of April.


Although Disney World was able to open in July of 2020, Disneyland has been unable to open until now because of the strict guidelines the state of California set for theme parks to be able to open. Now, California has released updated theme park reopening guidelines as the biggest theme parks in Southern California prepare to reopen.

Today, the state of California released their COVID-19 guidance for theme parks. One of the guidelines is that employees must develop a program that allows for optional testing on a weekly basis for any workers who may encounter other employees.

Disneyland Hotel

Another aspect of the guidelines is that indoor rides must be limited to no more than 15 minutes. All queues for attractions or rides must be outdoors, and there should be plexiglass installed to ensure that there is at least six feet between groups. Also regarding rides, household members should be boarded in the same vehicle if possible, and passengers from different households should continue to be at least six feet apart. Loading patterns for ride vehicles may need to be adjusted to accommodate physical distancing.

Lamplight Lounge!

Similarly to Disney World, face coverings are mandatory unless actively eating or drinking, and guests who do not comply will be asked to leave.

Pixar Pier at Night

There are specific guidelines for performers as well, and performers are not required to wear a face covering during their performance if it is not feasible. However, unmasked performers must be six feet away from any other people. All unmasked performers must take a COVID-19 test at least twice per week if they come into close contact with other performers who are also unmasked.

Cars Land

The guidelines also state that guests are only allowed to eat and drink in designated areas. Just like in Disney World, guests cannot eat or drink while waiting for an attraction.

Disneyland Health and Safety Sign

Some of these guidelines are similar to what we have seen in Disney World, and some are brand new. We’ll be on the lookout for more information regarding the reopening of the Disneyland theme parks, so stay tuned for more information.

Learn more about Disneyland’s newly announced expansion


The post NEW: State of California Releases Updated Theme Park Reopening Guidelines first appeared on the disney food blog.