Our Dream Plans for First Moments in a Reopened Disneyland

Disneyland Resort finally has a reopening date on April 30! And although there will be pretty stringent limitations that will keep most of our TouringPlans staff out of the park for a while (including the residency requirement), we all can dream about making that trip back to the Happiest Place on Earth. When the news was announced, we asked around the virtual watercooler to see what everyone’s plans would be for the first thing they’d do if they were able to walk into Disneyland that day. Here’s some of the answers.

Dani: Autopia because it was my first ride ever at DLR and I accidentally bumped Oprah and her camera man as they rode in front of us.


Ivonne: First thing is I would do is I’m riding the train for 6 hours so I can see the primeval world diorama and then maybe after that I would get a corn dog

James: As soon as Disneyland opens, I’m going to rope drop Space Mountain, then hang out in the hub with a Little Red Wagon corn dog and a churro afterwards

David: Corn Dog from Little Red Wagon!

(I’m sensing a theme here. . . .)

Len: Haunted Mansion.
Fred: Pirates!
Guy: Big Haunted Mansion refurb and the redone and renamed Snow White ride
As for me, I’m just happy taking a slow stroll down Main Street USA and soaking it all in. Plus maybe a churro because, you know, Disneyland.
What would your thoughts be on what you would want to do first in Disneyland once it reopens? Let us know in the comments.

The post Our Dream Plans for First Moments in a Reopened Disneyland appeared first on TouringPlans.com Blog.