Universal Orlando Resort for Newbies – Virtual Line

Whether you are a long-time Walt Disney World guest looking to switch your vacation up or you are visiting Orlando for the first time, planning a visit to Universal Orlando Resort poses a lot of questions. In this article, I will walk you through the Virtual Line feature for select Universal Orlando attractions.

What is Virtual Line?

Virtual Line is Universal’s way of letting guests wait in a line for an attraction without actually being in a physical line, like the old FastPass system at Disney. When offered, guests pick their party size and a return time for the attraction. Upon return, guests will have a short wait before boarding the attraction. Unlike FastPass, if a Virtual Line is in effect a Stand-By line will not be offered.

Which Attractions Offer Virtual Line?

Virtual Line is offered daily on one attraction:

  • Race Through New York starring Jimmy Fallon

Virtual Line is frequently offered for the following attractions during busy times:

  • Revenge of the Mummy
  • Fast & Furious: Supercharged
  • Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure
  • Seasonal offerings (Halloween haunted houses, Christmas events, etc.)

To review if an attraction is offering Virtual Line, check a wait times information board, the wait time sign at the attraction, or on the Universal Orlando app.

Can I Use Virtual Line and Express Pass?

Virtual Line is for regular queuing only. Virtual Line passes are not required for Express Pass entry to an attraction and Express Passes do not speed up a Virtual Line return time.

How Do I Acquire a Virtual Line Pass?

Virtual Line Passes are acquired using the Universal Orlando App. Here is how to acquire one:

  • Open the Universal Orlando app
  • Select the Virtual Line button on the home page
  • On the next screen tap the Virtual Line Venue tab which brings up each venue offering Virtual Line
  • Tap on the attraction you wish to acquire the pass for

  • On the attraction page tap the Reserve button
  • Select your party size using the slider (1 to 8 guests) and your return time window
  • Tap the reserve button and a QR code will display – show this QR code to the attraction host for admission to the attraction
    • If you need to adjust your return time select the “Change Return Time” button on the Pass page and select a new time

Jimmy Fallon also offers a kiosk-based option located to the right of the attraction’s entrance.

Virtual Line Passes release throughout the day. Check 15 minutes prior to park open, at park open, and at 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 4:00 p.m. for more passes.

Do I Need to Be in the Park to Acquire a Virtual Line Pass?

No! I acquired a Virtual Line Pass for Hagrid at 8:00 a.m. from the comfort of my Endless Summer – Dockside room. We suggest checking Virtual Line times in your hotel room or upon arrival at the parking garage.

How Do I Claim a Virtual Line Pass?

Walk up to the attraction entrance with your Virtual Line Pass. A Team Member will verify your return window and will scan the pass. After this, your Virtual Line pass is no longer required.

Can I Acquire More Than One Virtual Line Pass At a Time?

Guests can acquire one Virtual Line Passes for each attraction offering it, but only one Pass at a time for each attraction via the app. So a guest can hold a Virtual Line Pass for Fallon, Fast & Furious, and Hagrid but not two Hagrid Virtual Line Passes.

New passes for the same attraction can be requested once the currently held one is used or expires.

Wait, Each Party Member Can Request a Pass?

Yup! Each party member can obtain a Virtual Line Pass for one attraction letting the party re-ride with a short wait. This works because the app does not link ticket parties, unlike Disney’s use of Virtual Queue for Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.

I Am Early or Late to My Return Time, What Now?

If a party is early for their return time they will not be granted entry. Simply stand a comfortable distance away until your time window is available.

Officially, if a party is late they will not be granted admission. In reality, it is up to the discretion of the Team Member – if you are kind, understanding, and the attraction is not swamped they might let you in.

What If The Ride Is Experiencing Downtime During My Return Window?

Example of a one-time use Express Pass.

Sometimes an attraction will close due to technical or weather issues. If you have a Virtual Line pass for an attraction closed during your return time, the pass will switch to a one-time-use Express Pass for the total party amount originally selected. This pass can be used anytime that day.

Can Virtual Line and Touring Plans Be Combined?

Yup! Simply acquire your Virtual Line time in the morning for the Touring Plan’s estimated attraction arrival time. If a Virtual Line was activated prior to your arrival, simply request one for a future time and move onto the next plan step.

Have you used Universal’s Virtual Line? Leave your thoughts and tips in the comments below!

The post Universal Orlando Resort for Newbies – Virtual Line appeared first on TouringPlans.com Blog.