Animatronic Bartenders?! See the Restaurant Ideas That Didn’t Make It Into Disney’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

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If you’re a big Star Wars fan (and even if you aren’t), you’ve probably admired the amazing details all throughout Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

Such an Incredible Room

Maybe you’ve built a lightsaber at Savi’s Workshop, made your own droid at the Droid Depot, numbed your mouth with a Fuzzy Tauntaun in Oga’s Cantina, or munched on a delicious Ronto Wrap from Ronto Roasters. BUT did you know that there were a TON of concepts — including an entirely separate table-service restaurant and a creature that you could RIDE around the land — that were thought of for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge but didn’t make the final cut?!

Well, if you’re looking to know ALL of the insider knowledge about what went into making Galaxy’s Edge and some of the ideas that eventually got cut, you’ll definitely want to look into grabbing an upcoming book titled The Art of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.”

©Author: Amy Ratcliffe | Image Obtained from Amazon

You can actually pre-order this hardcover book, which is over 200 pages(!!), right now from Amazon for $41.99. It is set to be released on April 27th. The book features hundreds of concept artworks, sketches, blueprints, photographs, and more all about the creative process that went into making Galaxy’s Edge.

Have You Been to Galaxy’s Edge?

According to Star author Amy Ratcliffe interviewed a ton of individuals from Walt Disney Imagineering and Lucasfilm to create this book. And, based on their stories, it just goes to show you that you never know where ideas might come from!

Ratcliffe said “In talking with Disney Parks’ senior costume designer Joe Kucharski, who helped design the cast members’ looks for Galaxy’s Edge, he told me a man wearing baggy cargo pants and styling his socks as leg warmers in the parking lot of a Trader Joe’s on a rainy day was the starting point for the gaiters many cast members wear. Inspiration is everywhere!”

Cast Members Cleaning in Galaxy’s Edge

The Orlando Sentinel shares how the book discusses the many challenges Disney faced in designing the land, and tons of places that influenced the land’s look. Did you know that the team made trips to 4 Star wars film sets, Morocco, Turkey, and Greece for inspiration?

The book also goes through a whole bunch of images and descriptions for parts of Galaxy’s Edge that never made it to the finalized version!

For Oga’s Cantina, a fan-favorite spot, Disney actually considered creating animatronic bartenders fashioned to look like some Star Wars characters! They thought about having a Cast Memeber in a suit dressed as an alien bartender as well, but figured it would require a lot of prep work and likely would not be the most practical thing. So, they considered having an animatronic bartender instead. The concept art even shows bartenders who are an “assortment of creatures with four eyes, pig faces, no-free faces, or fishy qualities.” But ultimately that didn’t work out.

Oga’s Cantina

Also for Oga’s Cantina, Disney thought about having a big creature living in a tank behind the bar that would be the owner. There would be an animatronic actually inside the water. But one Imagineer shares that just didn’t have the tech or resources to do it at the time.

Oga’s Cantina at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Hollywood Studios

Wish there was a full table-service dining option in Galaxy’s Edge? Well, a table service restaurant was also on the table at one time, and it would have been called Kalikori Club. It would have operated out of a “covered two-level bathhouse” and was meant to be almost like a speak-easy or hidden club, part of the under-the-underground world. A Twi’lek woman was meant to be the owner and entertainment.

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

There was also plans for something called the Spice Den lounge, which included a two-story aquarium. On the top, it would look like it had some kelp in it. But, on the bottom, you’d realize that the kelp was actually a big monster!

And the blue milk stand? There’s quite a few concept art drawings for that, including one that appeared to hover above the ground!

Some Concept Art from the Book ©Author: Amy Ratcliffe | Disney

The book also discusses the bounty-hunter chase ride that was proposed at one point. And Disney considered even considered creating a big beast-like creature/ride concept. This big beast would actually be one you’d be able to ride around the land!

Some Concept Art from the Book ©Author: Amy Ratcliffe | Disney

Looks like the Imagineers truly dreamt big when it came to this space! While many fans truly enjoy what is there now, it’s still fascinating to learn about all of the things that could have been. If you’re curious to know more, you can pre-order the book and check out all of the incredible stories there.

Click here to preorder the book!

We’ll keep an eye out for more great Disney items for you to grab and Disney secrets for you to learn.

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Want MORE Details About Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge?

Click HERE for All the News and Details for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge — Including Our REVIEWS!

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The post Animatronic Bartenders?! See the Restaurant Ideas That Didn’t Make It Into Disney’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge first appeared on the disney food blog.