Magic Kingdom Monday: Tomorrowland is the Place to be. . . Today!

Our team is in the parks every day to gather data, ride rides, eat food, and share the atmosphere with you all. We were especially excited to get back on the PeopleMover today. Unfortunately, she’s still a bit rough and is being temperamental, but we’re just so happy to have her back just the same. We spent a decent amount of time in Tomorrowland today, and we wanted to share some of the sights from today for your enjoyment.

But first, did you even go to Magic Kingdom if you didn’t take a Castle picture?


We went the long way around and through Fantasyland. Stroller season has arrived.


But now today’s main goal. A ride on the PeopleMover! Here’s some of the sights from our tour all around Tomorrowland.


And yes, the world of tomorrow still includes even more strollers.

Had to stop to wave hi to Mickey and Minnie on our way out. Always happy to see them sending some joy to everyone.

Where would you like to see us snap some pictures next? Let us know in the comments what would brighten your day!

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