Changes Made to Disney World’s Rider Switch Policy

There are lots of things changing all over Disney World in terms of its restaurants, hotels, and more.

Space Mountain Rider Swap

If you’re planning to visit Disney World with little ones or a guest that doesn’t want to or can’t board an attraction, Rider Switch is a service you either know about or should know about! And now Disney has made a change to the language surrounding this service.

If you’re not familiar with Rider Switch, it’s when one part of your party waits in line to ride a specific ride, while one adult from your party stays outside with the member of your group who isn’t able to or doesn’t want to ride the attraction.

Guests participating in Rider Switch will visit a Cast Member at the attraction, and the Cast Member there will scan your MagicBands. At least one adult member from your party and the guests who are not riding will be issued a Rider Switch entitlement.

Alternative Access Entrance

“Party 1” will wait in line and go on the attraction. Once they’re done, Party 1 comes out and will stay with the person/people from your group who cannot/did not want to ride the attraction.

Then “Party 2” (a.k.a. the adult from your group who stayed outside with the guest who didn’t want to/couldn’t ride the ride) will switch with Party 1. Party 2 will then get to ride the attraction without having to wait in the regular line for a second time.

Queue for Space Mountain

Previously, Disney’s language indicated that if the person in Party 2 waited alone with the member of your group who couldn’t/didn’t want to ride, then they’d be able to bring up to 2 other guests back to ride with them. There would be a maximum of 3 guests allowed per Rider Switch Pass.

Essentially, if Adult 1 takes children 1 and 2 to ride, while child 3 stays with Adult 2 outside, then Adult 2 can use rider switch to go back and ride the ride and children 1 and 2 could go and ride with Adult 2 again (bypassing the regular line). Basically, up to 2 riders could potentially ride twice.

The Barnstormer

Now, Disney has changed some of their language regarding Party 2 and the Rider Switch scenario. The updated language on Disney’ World’s website now states: “Please note that if the person in party 2 waited alone with the child or non-riding Guest, the number of Guests who may join him or her and ride again is limited.”


The language no longer states that if the person in Party 2 waited alone they may bring up to 2 guests, but instead just states that the number who can join them is limited.

If you use Rider Switch a lot and you typically have just 1 adult wait alone with the non-riding guest, this is a change you’ll want to keep in mind. Be sure to ask the Cast Member issuing the Rider Switch entitlement at the attraction you’re trying to ride to see what rules are in place when you visit.

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

We’ll keep an eye out for more updates and let you know what we find.
