Guest Emails Piling Up, No End to Multi-Hour Phone Waits In Sight for Guests of Walt Disney World


Over the last few months, chances are that if you called Walt Disney World in attempt to resolve some issue for your trip, you’ve probably waited some number of hours to get through to someone. An alternative to calling that many guests have used is sending an email to “[email protected]”. Well, that is no longer a viable option either.

Guest experience services was the team that answered many of the emails sent to Walt Disney World. Their workload would range from random requests, to complaints regarding recent visits, to even compliments for cast members. This team would also handle recovery efforts for guest concerns. Supposedly, this team has now been absorbed into the Disney Reservation Center. With this change, those cast members will no longer be answering these emails on a regular basis.

Reportedly, email queues are growing and growing as Disney falls woefully behind in answering these guests. There were over 3,000 emails waiting for a response last month, but now there are over 4,000 messages unanswered and it is growing fast.

Currently, the Disney Reservation Center focus is going on live chat and phone calls, not on these emails.

A big part of the ongoing problems is that the Disney Reservation Center has not been able to hire enough new cast members to help, with current cast in the department stating that they are aware that more help has been hired, but it seems like that many more guests are calling, leaving no change in the situation.

Many cast members don’t last long at the Reservation Center either, given that they spend the entire day dealing with guests who are rather unpleasant after waiting for hours on the line and are then made to work mandatory overtime on a very consistent basis.

A source we spoke to said that they expect that “the four to five hour phone call waits will continue and grow worse as more guests will need to call for assistance as the email system is now the lowest priority”. Another source told WDWNT that the phone queue is consistently at about a 3 hour wait everyday right now.

Haver you noticed these insanely long waits in your experiences contacting Walt Disney World? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Guest Emails Piling Up, No End to Multi-Hour Phone Waits In Sight for Guests of Walt Disney World appeared first on WDW News Today.