The Snack Problem We Did NOT Expect to Find in Disneyland Today

Although Disneyland Resort is the Happiest Place on Earth, sometimes things happen.

Pooh Corner at Disneyland

We’ve seen issues with the launch of Disney Genie+ and there was flooding that caused “it’s a small world” holiday to open later than originally scheduled. Today, we saw an issue arise at one of our favorite snack spots!

When we popped into Pooh Corner in Disneyland today to check out the selection of treats, we noticed something odd — the cases were stacked with things that WERE not the usual sweet confections we’re used to seeing there. This is along the lines of what we expected:

One of each, please!

But, alas! Gone were the cake pops, cookies, candy apples, and other sweet treats.

To quote Jack Skellington… What’s this?

Instead, there was just…cheddar popcorn? Now we have nothing against a good cheesy popcorn, but the popcorn is not typically the only item available here, nor is it typically the only item in the display cases. So what’s going on? Where are our sweet treats?! 😮


Well, we asked a Cast Member and were told that they were experiencing a water issue at this spot. At the moment, the treats you can generally find here have been temporarily relocated to Candy Palace. We were also told that they hope to have everything back at Pooh Corner by 1PM PST today. Of course, that is just the hope that the Cast Member told us, but things could change.

So if you’re looking for one of your favorite Pooh Corner treats today, check to see if things have been fixed at Pooh Corner. If not, you can head to Candy Palace on Main Street, U.S.A. to grab some snacks!

Candy Palace

We’ll let you know if we spot any other issues like this at Disneyland AND Disney World, so stay tuned!

Have you ever seen an issue like this at a Disney park before? Let us know in the comments!

The post The Snack Problem We Did NOT Expect to Find in Disneyland Today first appeared on the disney food blog.