Disney Guests Respond: What Makes You Feel LUCKY In Disney World?

It’s St. Patrick’s Day in Disney World, which means there are a TON of green foods, special parties, and some fun photo ops!

St. Patrick’s Day PhotoPass on Sunset Boulevard

We’ve been having a grand ol’ time trying out green cakes, cocktails, cupcakes, and more. But, on this holiday, we want to know what makes YOU feel lucky when you’re in Disney World. So, we asked our readers — and here’s what they said!

There were a lot of fun answers from our readers about what makes them feel lucky, but many people had the same overall sentiment — they said they feel lucky just BEING in Disney World! We completely understand and agree.

St. Patrick’s Day in Disney World

Other readers of ours mentioned feeling lucky whenever there are little to no lines and they get to walk right on to rides. That for sure is an amazing feeling — especially if the wait time says there’s a long line but then you actually end up barely waiting at all!

We love a low wait time!

Another reader mentioned feeling lucky when they get to go on rides multiple times in a row, which is way easier to do when there isn’t a line!

We’ll ride the Safari again and again!

A similar sentiment was expressed about low crowds. With how busy things have been in the parks lately, we definitely feel lucky when we experience a low crowds day!

Look at that! Low crowds!

A lot of people also said that they feel lucky thanks to that Disney Magic from the amazing Cast Members around Disney World! Cast Members really do love to spread some pixie dust.

Cast Members

And, you can make sure they’re appreciated by giving the a cast compliment!

Find out more about how to show your appreciation to Cast Members here!

Some of our readers said that snagging hard to get dining reservations makes them feel lucky. We feel that, as dining reservations have been kind of hard to get recently! Plus, it’s a huge relief to have all of your dining plans figured out before your trip.

Be Our Guest

We had some more specific responses as well, like a reader saying they feel lucky to eat breakfast in Cinderella Castle without a reservation. WHOA! Eating at Cinderella’s Royal Table without a reservation?! That’s pretty unheard of, so luck would have to be on your side!

Cinderella’s Royal Table!

Another reader said they feel lucky while walking down Main Street, U.S.A. in Magic Kingdom and watching the parades. And now, the parade is BACK in Magic Kingdom, so you can feel all the luck in the world while watching your favorite characters.

Festival of Fantasy Parade!

One reader mentioned feeling lucky when they see that awesome number 13 on the Tower of Terror wait time sign! You wouldn’t think the most unlucky number could be lucky, but it very much is over at Tower of Terror. The sign is usually set to 13 minutes when there is barely a wait at all for the ride.

You know what that means!

Speaking of rides, another reader said getting to sit in the front row of Expedition Everest makes them feel lucky! You can politely ask a Cast Member to see if they’ll let you wait for the front row, but you can also be randomly assigned to it, which could be lucky, depending on how scared of the ride you are!

Expedition Everest

Note that Expedition Everest is closed right now for refurbishment!

Click here to read more about Everest’s long closure

A really cool story one of our readers mentioned was when they watched the fireworks in Magic Kingdom near the area where Tinker Bell comes in to land after flying down from Cinderella Castle. Tink blew them a kiss, so they got a little bit of extra pixie dust from the famous fairy!


The answer that probably resonated the most with us was from a reader who said they feel lucky when they get to the bus stop at their resort and right at that moment, the bus they need to get on pulls up! Our reporters know better than anyone else that this is probably one of the luckiest things that can happen during your Disney day!

Disney Bus

And finally, a reader had a more humorous response saying they feel lucky in Disney World if they end the day with a dollar or two still in their pocket. We hear you, there! Saving a little bit of money on your trip is like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

Cinderella Castle is magical at night!

Overall, most people said they feel lucky just to BE in Disney World, which we think is wonderful! Stay tuned to DFB for more Disney World news and updates.

Click here to check out all of the St. Patrick’s Day foods we’ve tried in Disney World this year!

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What makes you feel lucky in Disney World? Tell us in the comments!

The post Disney Guests Respond: What Makes You Feel LUCKY In Disney World? first appeared on the disney food blog.