First Sold Out Disney Date of 2023, and It’s Not What You Think

Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash

With just under a week to go in the countdown to 2023, Disney is already showing their first sold-out date of the new year, and it isn’t the one you think. If you’d asked me to bet, I would have said New Year’s Day, January 1st, as I am sure most of you would as well; however, it seems Disney fans had other plans. The first greyed-out date of 2023 is actually January 2nd.

The day itself doesn’t even have the logic of being the first Saturday or anything understandable like that. No, it’s just a Monday. I even googled it to see if they were advertising a gold bar giveaway that day or something, but no. The only additional feature of the day that I can see is that it has Extended Evening Hours for Select Disney Resort Hotel Guests. This one might remain a mystery.

Sold Out
Sold Out

The post First Sold Out Disney Date of 2023, and It’s Not What You Think first appeared on DIS.