If You Could Add a New Pavilion to EPCOT, What Would it be?

While curating menus for Christmas and Hanukkah with my family the past few days, many Disney conversation starters have been coming up. One of them being, “If you could add a new pavilion to EPCOT, what would be?” which is a common question in our family. Most of us keep the same answer each time and return to battle to prove why our answer is correct.

For me, it changes every few years because I would love to add a pavilion to Future World and World Showcase. I know the Play Pavilion will be coming soon, but I would love to change it before it gets here. I want an area that really showcases World Discovery rather than just focusing on technology and gaming. I would like to see that tech incorporated differently. An experience like Wannado City would be so perfect for that pavilion. I know many of you just whispered, “what on earth is Wannado city?”

This city was an indoor amusement center in South Florida where kids could have different jobs, earn money, and spend it as they pleased. The slogan was “where kids can do what they wanna do,” and it was a child-size metropolis; I remember partaking in fashion shows, working at Publix, and helping the fire department. Clearly, it was a fun place where kids could learn and have fun, and they used great technology to enhance the experience. Creating a space like that instead of having the Play Pavilion would be fantastic, especially if they let adults participate in the activities.

Picking a new pavilion for World Showcase is hard because it has to balance out with the rest of the area. My go-to answers were always Spain or Australia. I still stand by Australia, but I think Egypt would be another great pick. It would be another pyramid to enter filled with fun shops and, of course, an attraction. The attraction would be on the spookier side and be based on exploring the tunnels of a pyramid.

Australia would be the best option. It would be a pavilion filled with the opportunity to learn about wildlife and culture. There could be a water ride based on the Great Barrier Reef where guests can journey through and witness the beauty of the ocean. The attraction could even pass by some iconic landmarks. Could you imagine just floating by the Sydney Opera House? Disney could also incorporate a 360 film to show visitors all the areas of Australia. It could be one of the most unique pavilions and the new fan favorite if done correctly. Disney, all I ask is that you leave out all the giant terrifying bugs from the exhibit, thank you.

Now that I have shared my brainstorming ideas with you, I want to know your answer. If You Could Add a New Pavilion to EPCOT, What Would it be?

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