Avoid THESE Disney Restaurants If You Have Anxiety

Disney World — it can be full of joy, happiness, and fun. But it can also be full of stress and anxiety.

The Grey Stuff on a Chocolate Tart

If you are a naturally anxious person or find certain things (like crowded areas or loud spaces) to be particularly anxiety-inducing, there are some extra steps you’ll want to take in Disney World, like potentially avoiding certain rides, shows, or dining locations. We’ve shared a look at Disney World changes that cause you anxiety and places to escape in Magic Kingdom when your anxiety is through the roof, but now we’re taking a deep dive into the restaurants you’ll want to AVOID if you have anxiety.

We reached out to our wonderful readers via Facebook and asked, “Which restaurants cause you the most anxiety in Disney World?” And they had some THOUGHTS. Here are just some of the top picks from their comments.

Chef Mickey’s (Disney’s Contemporary Resort) (And a Shout-Out to Character Meals/Buffets in General)

Several of our readers had the same immediate response to our question — Chef Mickey’s. This character meal at Disney’s Contemporary Resort can be anxiety-inducing. This is primarily the case because the restaurant can often be EXTREMELY loud. Couple the many loud/screaming kiddos that often frequent this spot with the positioning of this restaurant right in the middle of a major part of the hotel with the monorail whizzing by, and you’ve got a recipe for potential disaster.

Chef Mickey’s

Character meals often attract families with young kiddos so it wouldn’t be surprising to hear kids talking loudly, screaming, or crying here. Plus, you may see a few kids running around as they let out some of that endless energy. One of our readers put it simply — Chef’s Mickey’s is “so loud and intense.” Another echoed that by saying “way too much energy/chaos in the morning.”

Chef Mickey’s

But Chef Mickey’s isn’t necessarily the only character meal you may want to avoid. Some readers pointed out that any character buffet can be an anxiety trigger if you’re going with kiddos. (Note that Chef Mickey’s will switch back to its buffet service on March 1, 2023.) As one reader pointed out, it can be difficult enough to do a regular buffet with kids, but add characters on top and the fear that you’ll MISS critical character meet-and-greet time when you step away to get food, and your anxiety can skyrocket.

Character Meals Can Be STRESSFUL

Another specifically called this out in the context of The Crystal Palace at Magic Kingdom. For them, the anxiety wasn’t just related to missing the characters but was also tied to concerns that can come with meeting a character at a restaurant in general. Do you hug them? Will your mouth be full of food just as they arrive? Will you have food on your fingers when they stop by your table, making the whole situation awkward? It can be a LOT to handle.

If you’re looking for a more “relaxed” character meal, or at least a character meal where you don’t have the added stress of a buffet, consider Garden Grill (EPCOT, Lunch/Dinner).

Dale at Garden Grill

It isn’t a buffet meal, so you won’t have to worry about leaving your seat. And Garden Grill often gets overlooked, but is FULL of delicious eats and a lovely rotating setting that takes you through scenes of Living with the Land.

See our ranking of character meals by noise level here

50’s Prime Time Cafe (Disney’s Hollywood Studios)

If having someone scold you (even in jest) sounds like an absolute nightmare, steer CLEAR of 50’s Prime Time Cafe. The whole theme behind this spot is that you’ve stepped into Mom’s kitchen back in the 50’s, and your “cousins, uncles, and family members” (a.k.a. servers) are NOT afraid to chastise you the way true family members do.

50s Prime Time Cafe in Disney World

You might get yelled at for putting your elbows on the table, continuously reminded to eat ALL of those veggies if you want dessert, and they may even try to set you up with someone across the room — you never know! We may or may not have witnessed a kiddo asked to stand up and sing “I’m a little teapot.” It’s a WILD place!

Now, to be clear, none of the Cast Members are doing anything with bad intentions or in a way that feels overly harsh or mean. It is Disney World after all! But you DO need to be prepared to get heckled if you come here. If you love improvisation, nostalgia, and poking fun at yourself, then this is THE place to go. But if the sound of that is extremely stressful, then avoid this spot at all costs.

Dining room

One reader shared, that they avoid 50’s Prime Time because they want to “sit back and enjoy a meal in the middle of a chaotic park day,” not be scolded. Another fully admitted that they’re bad at eating their vegetables (especially on vacation) so they avoid 50’s Prime Time so they aren’t reminded of this. 😂

If you’re looking for a more peaceful table service meal at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, consider hopping over to The Hollywood Brown Derby. While pricey, it captures more of the elegance of Hollywood, no scolding involved!

Brown Derby

Plus, that iconic Cobb Salad is a must-get!

Click here for our complete Disney World restaurants guide

LOUD (& Crowded) Restaurants

If you find that your anxiety goes up when eating in loud or crowded spots, these are some of the places you’ll want to avoid based on our readers’ responses.

One reader shared that they found Be Our Guest Restaurant (Magic Kingdom) to be crowded (“literally bumping elbows crowded”) and loud. This is a complaint we’ve heard before. In the past, several of our readers have mentioned the noise level, especially in the Grand Ballroom (which is indeed quite cavernous). Some shared, “It’s VERY noisy. I could barely hear the waiter,” and “It’s really loud in the main room, that’s my only complaint.”

The Beast on a stroll

A few mentioned Coral Reef Restaurant (EPCOT). One shared, “The way the sound bounces around in there, it’s just a cacophony.” Plus, if you find yourself seated right next to the aquarium and there are lots of little kiddos around, “expect to have company” as they race near you to look at the fish.

Coral Reef Restaurant

Some mentioned Rainforest Cafe, as well (Animal Kingdom and Disney Springs), and this is really an obvious choice. Every few minutes, the animatronic animals in Rainforest Cafe come to “life” in a way that is not particularly quiet. We’re talking animal sounds, thunder sounds, and more. We may or may not know some kiddos who used to cry every time a “thunderstorm” began. Suffice it to say Rainforest Cafe is LOUD. So if loud sounds do not settle well with you, avoid this spot

T-Rex (Disney Springs), which is owned by the same company as Rainforest Cafe, was another one mentioned by our readers for essentially the same reason.

Rainforest Cafe

Some also mentioned Le Cellier Steakhouse (EPCOT, Canada Pavilion). One said that the restaurant was very loud when they last visited, which made them pretty anxious. It’s important to note that this is meant to make you feel like you’ve entered a wine cellar, so it’s rather small and dark. If a lack of windows and views to the outside makes you nervous, this may be a place to skip.

Le Cellier

And another reader shared that they ate at Space 220 recently (EPCOT) and “found it incredibly over the top loud.” They felt that because of the noise level, they were yelling at their friends across the table and were not particularly pleased with that. The environment here is also based on “leaving Earth” and traveling to a space station. You’ll board a “Space Elevator” to get there and all of the windows in the restaurant look out into the abyss of space and Earth looming below. If not being able to see out to the “real” world, going on an elevator, or an overly themed environment like this is also nerve-racking, consider eating elsewhere.

Space 220

Other spots that might not be great for those with anxiety include Sci-Fi Dine-In (dark, heavily themed, no outside windows, and loud), and interactive shows like Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue.

If you can only go to ONE Disney World restaurant in 2023, go HERE

Cosmic Ray’s and Casey’s Corner (Magic Kingdom) (And Other Quick Service)

Several Quick Service spots got mentioned by our readers, but we want to take a second to highlight two that got mentioned a LOT. First up is Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe (Magic Kingdom). This is a popular Quick Service spot in Tomorrowland that features indoor and outdoor seating, the highlight being the central indoor seating where you can hear the space alien Sonny Eclipse (an animatronic!) perform.

Barbecue Chicken Sandwich Meal from Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe in Magic Kingdom

But, for some, the environment here is NOT ideal. One reader described it as “loud and chaotic.” And that can be true at times. Since this is a larger dining space in Tomorrowland, it can get very packed. Combine the loudness of the crowds with Sonny’s performance and it might be a touch too much.

Our advice? If you want to get food from Cosmic Ray’s and avoid the stress, consider getting there as SOON as they open and snatching a seat on the outside patio overlooking the Castle. That can provide a quieter, more relaxed experience.

Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe

Quite a few readers also identified Casey’s Corner (Magic Kingdom) as a problem for those with anxiety. One said Casey’s is “always packed” and they can “never get a seat.” Another shared, “I LOVE Casey’s corner but the anxiety of trying to find a place to sit 😱.”

Casey’s Corner

Now, there’s no denying that Casey’s Corner’s mini corn dogs are ICONIC. And sometimes a good foot-long hot dog, fries, and a drink are just what you need. But the seating can be a stress point here. There is very (and we mean VERY) limited indoor seating. And while there are a few tables outside, it’s not a whole lot.

Tables in Magic Kingdom

DFB Tip: If you grab a treat from Casey’s Corner, don’t bother looking for a table. Grab your tray and take it out to the Magic Kingdom hub grass. Find yourself a nice little spot and sit down to enjoy your meal picnic-style. And take a second to BREATHE and enjoy the space around you.

Ah Yes, a Casey’s Corner Picnic

Another reader mentioned Woody’s Lunchbox (Disney’s Hollywood Studios) for a very similar reason. They shared, “it only has outside seating and we couldn’t even find a table! Who wants to eat tomato soup and a grilled cheese in the extreme summer heat?!?!” Finding seating at Woody’s Lunchbox can be an issue, so if you are having a tough time there, consider grabbing your food and heading OUT of the land to eat.


But, for some, it’s not just these Quick Service spots that cause anxiety…it’s MOST or ALL of them. One reader said, “most quick service locations come with some level of anxiety.” And they felt like the current version of Mobile Order was, unfortunately, not the solution to that.

Another said that Quick Service locations can be tough because “trying to get your food and then find a seat is super stressful!” Another shared, that they find Quick Service locations to be anxiety-inducting “during the busiest meal times. If I’m hungry at lunch I know I have to wait a couple hours if I actually want to be able to sit down somewhere to eat my food.”

Pinocchio Village Haus

While this may not solve all of the problems mentioned above, one way to make Quick Service locations less stressful is by ordering your food via Mobile Order WELL in advance so you can secure a pick-up time that works best for you. And if you really want to remove stress from your situation, consider a pick-up time that is either very early (perhaps before most folks have gotten hungry) or at an odd time (when fewer folks will be looking to eat).

Click here for details about the harsh reality behind mobile ordering in Disney World

Beware the BIRDS

Another thing mentioned by a few different readers has nothing to do with the food, mobile ordering, or even crowds. Instead, it has to do with…wild ANIMALS. A few people mentioned Flame Tree Barbecue (Animal Kingdom) as being anxiety-inducing because of the outdoor seating and the BIRDS that come up to your table! One said you “cannot turn your back for one second because the birds will eat off your plate 😂 The ribs are worth it though.” (They also shared that Flame Tree Barbecue can be stressful because there are long and sometimes uneven paths standing between you and your table.)

No bird…this is OUR meatloaf!

Another shared that Yorkshire County Fish Shop (EPCOT, UK Pavilion) is a stressful place for them because they were “attacked by birds trying to get [their] food.”

Walk-up line for Yorkshire County Fish Shop

One reader generalized this concern to “any restaurant where the seating is outdoors and the birds come up to your table!” There can be some especially brave birds out there that feel NO remorse coming up to your plate or swooping down to steal a little nibble. So watch your food carefully!

No Fries for You Duck Friend!

If you are concerned about a bird thief, consider placing a clean plate or napkin on top of your food while transporting it to your seat, and (most importantly) be aware of your surroundings. You can also opt for restaurants with indoor seating if the idea of being anywhere near a bird while eating is unpleasant.

Click here to read about some of the genuinely frightening things that can happen in Disney World

Expensive Spots Because Of the…BILL

A few mentioned that while restaurants themselves may not cause them anxiety, the BILL at the end of a meal can. One reader specifically mentioned Tiffins (Animal Kingdom) as an example.

And while it’s easy to look ahead and know what to expect in terms of pricing, if you change your mind and order things beyond what you budgeted for, that bill can come as quite a shock.

Tamarind-braised short rib

Our tip is to budget carefully, stick to the budget as much as possible, and (to account for situations like this which can occur) leave wiggle room in the budget so an extra delicious and expensive meal doesn’t feel like such a hard hit to your wallet.

See how much you’ll pay PER DAY on food in Disney World

It’s the Reservation!

Others said that no particular restaurant gives them anxiety, but trying to get a reservation can put them on the edge. Getting dining reservations for your trip can be stressful, particularly if you’re hoping to eat at one or more REALLY popular spots.

Dining room at Topolino’s Terrace

But we’ve got tips for that too! Especially now that the dining cancelation policy has changed to just 2 hours before your reservation (for most spots) finding a last-minute dining option might be a bit more achievable. Be sure to check around2-hour2 hour mark to see what places pop up! Plus, you can check mobile waitlist and get a table faster than you think (at least at some locations)!

Click here to see what dining reservations will be the HARDEST to get in 2023

And that’s a look at just some of the restaurants and other dining-related things that caused our readers anxiety.

Want to take the anxiety out of your Disney dining planning process? Grab our DFB Guide!

Three Guides in One!

It has an entire 101 book dedicated to giving you the core information you need about dining at Disney World. Then, there’s an entire reference guide that’ll take you through EVERY restaurant in Disney World so you know which ones might interest you the most. And there’s a printables book, too, with worksheets that’ll help you get organized for your trip!

Check out the DFB guide here!

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What restaurants make you anxious in Disney World? Tell us in the comments.

The post Avoid THESE Disney Restaurants If You Have Anxiety first appeared on the disney food blog.