Disney Parks Dole Whip Is on the Menu This Weekend With This Recipe Hack!

You’ve probably worked out by now that I like to cook, and when I can recreate some of my Disney favorites, it makes the result even better. One of my favorite treats has always been Dole Whip. Even before I started enjoying it in the parks, I loved taking trips up to the Dole Plantation on Oahu and indulging in it there.

As summer is drawing to an end here in Australia, I thought it was time to squeeze in this old favorite and try my hand at something similar once again at home. If those of you in the cooler hemisphere are longing for some warmer weather, give this a try over the weekend and see if you can’t enjoy a classic summer staple ahead of the summer season. You could try and master the real thing or use a shortcut recipe to half the work and still enjoy a similar refreshing taste. Here is Disney’s recipe hack to help us along, and I’ll let you in on a little secret; it’s super easy! Disney Parks Dole Whip is on the menu this weekend!

Frozen Pineapple Treat Inspired by DOLE Whip® Walt Disney Parks and Resorts

Serves 4

  • 1/2-3/4 cup pineapple juice, divided
  • 2 cups frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1 cup dairy-free vanilla ice cream
  1. Place 1/2 cup pineapple juice, frozen pineapple, and dairy-free vanilla ice cream in a blender and blend until smooth – do not over blend. If the mixture is too thick to blend, add 2 tablespoons of pineapple juice at a time.
  2. Scoop into bowls and serve immediately.

NoteAlways use caution when handling sharp objects. Please supervise children who are helping or nearby. This recipe has been converted from a larger quantity in restaurant kitchens. The flavor profile may vary from the restaurant’s version. 

Let me know how your simplified Disney Parks Dole Whip went!

The post Disney Parks Dole Whip Is on the Menu This Weekend With This Recipe Hack! first appeared on DIS.