Disney Is Making a Viral and Controversial Trend Reality

Disney has experienced its fair share of controversies.

Let’s head on over to Toy Story Land

We’ve seen divisive snacks, nighttime show equipment nearly everyone hates, and other controversial features in the parks. And while you might expect Disney to try and avoid certain controversial matters, it’s making an interesting move now and bringing one controversial thing right into the spotlight!

Ever heard of the whole “Andy’s Coming” fiasco? This was a BIG deal a few years ago. A while back, a photo began circulating the internet and it ultimately went viral. The photo featured Toy Story characters in a Disney park laying down on the ground. The caption indicated that if guests yelled the phrase “Andy’s coming!” (or “Bonnie’s coming!”) that the characters would fall down.

Woody and Jessie

The photo was allegedly staged by a Cast Member and taken out of context once it began to spread (though some have alleged that it used to happen but had to stop it once too many people found out). Ultimately, its viral nature led to many guests shouting the phrases at the characters in the park. It would be dangerous (and painful! and dirty!) to have this happen constantly though, so guests may have been left seriously disappointed when they visited.

But now the controversial and viral trend is actually coming to Hollywood Studios…in a new way!

Woody Shoulder Plush

To experience this unique phenomenon, you’ll want to visit Roundup Rodeo BBQ when it opens in Toy Story Land (in Hollywood Studios). The restaurant opens on March 23rd, 2023, but we were lucky enough to get a preview of it recently.

During the preview, we learned that there will actually be an “Andy’s Coming” moment while you’re dining here. You see, this restaurant is actually a playset Andy has built, so it’s possible that he’ll show up at any time. And since you’ve shrunk down to the size of a toy and in a sense become an honorary member of the group — neither you nor your toy friends could move around if Andy does “appear.”

Roundup Rodeo BBQ

So, if Andy does approach the area you’ll hear Sarge over the loudspeakers warning all of the toys that Andy’s coming! When that happens, all of the toys — that means YOU and the Cast Members serving guests in the restaurant — will need to FREEZE.


Here’s a bit of what it sounds like when Andy is approaching the area and when guests will have to freeze!


It’s fascinating to see how Disney has taken a viral trend and made it come to life in a way that’s more practical for guests and Cast Members. Remember, Roundup Rodeo BBQ is NOT a character meal experience, and people won’t exactly be flopping on the floor when the announcement is made — simply freezing in place. But it’s still a great way to experience the fun!

A Peek Inside Roundup Rodeo

To see INSIDE Roundup Rodeo BBQ, click here. And stay tuned for more Disney news!

See the Roundup Rodeo BBQ menu here!

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What do you think about Roundup Rodeo BBQ? Tell us in the comments.

Disclosure: In nearly all circumstances, Disney Food Blog writers and photographers pay full price for their own travel, hotel, food, beverage, and event tickets. We do this because it’s important to us as journalists to ensure not only that we give you unbiased opinions, but also that you can trust us to do so since we’re paying our own way. On rare occasions, when we are invited by a company to attend a preview as media, and when we choose to accept that invitation, we will always make you, our readers, aware of that situation. Today, we were invited by Disney World to attend their media preview of new experiences coming to the parks. Note that when we attend events as media we are 1) Not required to review that event/food on any of our channels, and 2) Not required to review that event/food favorably. You can always count on DFB to give you a 100% unbiased and honest review of any event that we attend, food that we eat, or beverage that we drink. You can see more in our Disclosure Policy. Thank you for reading. — AJ

The post Disney Is Making a Viral and Controversial Trend Reality first appeared on the disney food blog.