Live-Action, Remakes, & Sequels, Oh My! What is Disney Overdoing?

I was watching the most recent clip released for Peter Pan and Wendy just a few moments ago, and I started to feel like I had almost seen the whole movie before it had even been released. Between the clips, the interviews, and the trailers, on top of a well-known base storyline, I’m starting to think that Disney might be over-exposing their new films before they debut.

One complaint I hear a lot now is that Dinsey is overdoing the live-action style of filmmaking. However, I can’t help but wonder if this is actually true or if perhaps they are simply producing too many remakes. After all, live-action really just means non-animated, which leaves me feeling as though “too much live-action” isn’t the correct terminology for the complaint people have.

It feels like all we hear fans talking about are rehashed storylines told with minor visual or implied differences, usually with audiences firmly planted on one side or the other regarding their validity. So I decided to do a little digging and looked at the last 100 releases from Disney, Tomorrowland (705) in 2015, through to Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (805) in 2023. Along the way, I only found eight remakes. Granted, a fair few were counted as sequels (we will get to those in a moment), though the rampant ‘remake craze’ internet complaints are made of accounted for only 8% of the movies made in that timeframe.

Looking more specifically at the sequels mentioned, twenty-seven of them were sequels of that same one hundred films. Sure, within that realm, you have new storylines, a new character or two, and no doubt a new soundtrack, but that hard work of creating your origin story has already been done.

If you could do away with one Disney effort, which would it be? Remakes (a different way of telling a new story), Sequels (a new story based on an earlier theme and characters), or Live-Action (where things previously animated are retold with non-animated actors)?

Side question; now that it seems to be standard practice to release twenty different trailers and a hundred clips before a movie debuts, is anyone else feeling like the spoiler alert is going off before you get a chance to see the actual movie?

The post Live-Action, Remakes, & Sequels, Oh My! What is Disney Overdoing? first appeared on DIS.