Could Disney’s Ex-StarCruiser Become the Best New Themed Resort?

Hey, friends. Boy, did I wake up with an idea in mind that I simply must share with you. I went to sleep last night thinking about Disney’s announcement that the StarCruiser experience will close later this year and what caused it to fall over. As many have already said, the pricing was a prohibitive aspect for much of its market, a market that was admittedly quite limited. The project targeted a small niche of guests looking for this specific Star Wars experience with an enthusiasm for role-playing. Even if I were a Star Wars fan, this interaction style would count me out. Though this morning, I woke up with an idea that could see Disney make the best use of this facility while opening up the resort to a much broader audience.

One complaint that I heard constantly about this hotel was the lack of attention to detail when it came to the decor. However, I now see that this could become an asset when re-purposed into a new resort. While no official word has been released on what will happen with this property, I have an idea to offer. What if Disney were to turn this into a standard resort with themed wings that offered different stories to share? For example, one area could remain as Star Wars, but then you have so many more options that could use a similar theming with minor changes in decor, like, The Mandalorian, Buzz Lightyear, Wall-E, or Planet Turo from Lilo & Stitch. Similar to the All-Star Movies Resort, where you have themed rooms and areas, could this resort become themed accommodation for the park? I can imagine a space, excuse the pun, themed toward Guardians of the Galaxy‘s Knowhere that gets dressed up for the holidays with the colored lights from the Holiday Special.

If you tuned into Tuesday’s show, you might have heard the crew talking about this very topic, specifically, that not only that it was too expensive for most fans as an add-on to a park visit but also that it lacked an element of repeatability that would bring guests back time and time again. Even if you weren’t to stay at the resort, imagine visiting for character breakfasts that were differently themed throughout the week. By diversifying the character base, removing the role-playing, and taking more of a themed accommodation approach, guests could have a more cost-effective option that brings them back to the parks and essentially a classic hotel experience in an unexplored way. At the same time, by keeping similar theming, Disney would have the option to carry out special weekends or events where they did introduce some of that social interaction for special occasions. I can see this working…

Let me know what you think. What space characters could you see making a home in this resort if Disney were to look at a new approach to the idea?

The post Could Disney’s Ex-StarCruiser Become the Best New Themed Resort? first appeared on DIS.