DFB SNACK HACK: A Deliciously Messy Hollywood Studios Treat!

Oooooh, it’s time for one of our favorite things — snack hacks!

We created a snack hack for this tasty Magic Kingdom treat!

Here at DFB, we love Disney snacks, but we also love finding ways to make them better — enter, snack hacks! We’ve found some snack hacks that you can make for under $5, and we’re always on the lookout for new ones in the parks. If you’re heading to Hollywood Studios soon, we’ve got a new one for you!

This is for all the chili cheese fans — today we’re introducing you to Hollywood Studios Chili Cheese Nachos! The first step is to grab some Tostito chips and the beloved plastic cheese from the KRNR Snack Cart close to Rock ‘N’ Rollercoaster. These will cost you $5.79.

KRNR The Rock Station Snack Cart

Next, you’ll want to head over to Rosie’s All-American Cafe to grab a side of chili for just $1! This means that this snack hack will cost you $6.79 altogether.

All three items together

And once you put it all together…

Chili Cheese Nachos!

…you’ve got Chili Cheese Nachos! We personally love this snack hack, as it really helps level up the otherwise plain cheese and chips, and also helps keep you fuller for longer.


However, this can get quite messy, so make sure to grab some napkins and keep that in mind. Looking for some other snack hacks? We’ve got a recent one from Magic Kingdom you won’t want to miss, and as always, stay tuned to DFB for all the latest DFB snack hacks!

Check out ALL the DFB Snack Hacks right here!

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Would you try this snack hack? Tell us in the comments!

The post DFB SNACK HACK: A Deliciously Messy Hollywood Studios Treat! first appeared on the disney food blog.