Disney Parks’ No-Fly-Zones May be Removed Due to New Legislation Sponsored by Lauren Boebert & Marjorie Taylor Greene

New legislation from Troy E. Nehls co-sponsored by Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene requests the no-fly-zones over Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort be revoked.

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Legislation Proposed to Remove No-Fly-Zones

After an an initial introduction in 2022 after The Walt Disney Company made a public stand against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ “Parental Rights in Education” bill, Nehls has reintroduced the Airlines Independent of Restrictions (AIR) Act that would require the Secretary of Transportation to remove the two no-fly-zones over Disneyland and Disney World.

Congressman Nehls said of the bill:

I’m proud to reintroduce my bill, the Airlines Independent of Restrictions (AIR) Act, in the 118th Congress to revoke Disney’s special no-fly zone privileges. Theme parks like Disney should not receive special treatment just because they are well-connected. Our national security should not be compromised to fit the needs of one corporation.

The no-fly zones were created in wake of the the September 11 attacks on the twin towers in New York City. Both Walt Disney World in Florida and Disneyland Resort in California worked with the federal government to designate these zones. The intention was to increase park safety for guests, as there was considerable concern at the time that additional attacks on Americans could be orchestrated via an aircraft, and large theme parks would make an easy target to hurt many civilians at once.

Boebert, who is co-sponsoring the bill, is quoted in a statement on Nehls’ website:

Woke corporations shouldn’t get any favors from the government. The FAA has no business granting a no-fly-zone over Disney parks. Universal Studios, Hershey Park, Six Flags, and other theme parks don’t have no-fly-zones over them, and it’s time for Disney to get the same treatment. No corporation should get preferential treatment from the government—especially when it is grooming children. Go woke, go broke.

Co-sponsors of this legislation include Representatives Lauren Boebert (CO-03), Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Andrew Clyde (GA-09), Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14), Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Scott Perry (PA-10), and Greg Steube (FL-17).

New legislation may remove the no-fly-zones over Disney parks.

Disney and Big Government

Disney is currently entangled in two different lawsuits with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. DeSantis is suing Disney at the state level, and Disney is suing the Governor at the federal level. Recently, Disney cited some of DeSantis’ statements to further bolster their claim that they are being discriminated against because of their public opinion. They claim this is an infringement of their freedom of speech, and the Governor’s recent legal decisions are retaliatory and unconstitutional in nature. Disney aims to prove in federal court that DeSantis’ actions stem from a disagreement that is protected by the nation’s First Amendment.

Disney’s newly revised complaint opens with a quote from the Governor. Last week, DeSantis is quoted as saying, “[T]his all started, of course, with our parents’ rights bill.”

What are your thoughts on the no-fly zones? We’d like to read about them in the comments below.

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