Which Disney Villain Reigns Supreme in the Evil Stakes?

A good Disney story would be nowhere without the villains we all love to hate; or love to love in some cases. We are allowed to direct blame and all of those negative feelings we get when life gives us lemons towards a figure or a character that can take responsibility for the bad things that happen. A scenario that we rarely come across in real life. Though each evil character has a similar purpose in the classic method of Disney storytelling, not all are created equal in their capacity for evil.

Today I thought we might get into the nitty gritty of whose evil cuisine reigns supreme (original Iron Chef joke there…) to see who you would crown king or queen of the villains. My answer to this one has changed over the years. As a child, I would have said Malificent; she’s ominous and vindictive, and let’s face it, the whole dragon thing is a bit intimidating. As I’ve grown, it’s occurred to me that many of the Disney Villains have a bark worse than their bite. Maleficent and Ursula, their wrath doesn’t end in certain death. The Queen of Hearts, on the other hand, now she’s got game. “Off with their heads!” There is no amount of sea magic or true love’s kiss that is going to fix that one. A combination of violent tendencies, short temper, and general psychosis leaves me awarding my top pick to Alice In Wonderland‘s Queen of Hearts.

Let me know what you think. Remember, this isn’t a question of who is your favorite dark character; we are focusing specifically on who is the most evil Disney Villain so far.

The post Which Disney Villain Reigns Supreme in the Evil Stakes? first appeared on DIS.